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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 19:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 17:33

sha yi ren
sha yi gui

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 17:34

1、 鱼 fish
糖醋鱼片 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce
糖醋鱼块 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce
糖醋石斑鱼 fried garoupa with sweet and sour sauce
糖醋松子桂鱼 fried mandarin fish and pinenuts with sweet and sour sauce
熘鱼片 quick-fry fish slices with distilled grains sauce
焦熘鱼片 crisp fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce
焦熘黄鱼片 crisp fried yellow croaker slices with distilled grains sauce
椒盐黄鱼 fried yellow croaker with pepper sauce
糟熘鱼片 fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce
滑熘鱼片 fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce
炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices
菜炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices with vegetables
焦炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices with bamboo shoots
焦熘鱼片 fried fish slices with sauce
茄汁鱼片 fried fish slices with tomato sauce
炸鱼条 fried fish slices
炸扒鱼片 deep fried garoupa slices
软炸鱼片 soft-fried sliced fish
酥炸鱼条 crisp fried sliced garoupa
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
炸桂鱼 deep-fried mandarin fish
炸板鱼 deep-fried sole
炸凤尾鱼 deep-fried anchovies
煎铜盆鱼 fried sea-bream
酱汁活鱼 fried fish with soy sauce and wine
芙蓉桂鱼 fried mandarin fish with egg white
茄汁鱼球 fried fish balls with tomato sauce
茄汁石斑块 deep fried garoupa slices with tomato sauce
烤酥鱼 baked crisp crucian carp
清蒸鱼 steamed fish
蒸鲜鱼 steamed fresh fish
清蒸全鱼 steamed whole fish
清蒸黄河鲤 steamed Yellow River carp
清蒸鲥鱼 steamed shad
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
清蒸鲈鱼腩 steamed perch-flank
清蒸糟青鱼 steamed black carp with distilled grains
豉汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with black bean sauce
豉油蒸生鱼 steamed rock-fish with soy sauce
豉油蒸鲩鱼 steamed tench with soy sauce
红烧鱼 braised fish with soy sauce;
stewed fish with soy sauce
红烧鲴鱼 braised catfish with soy sauce;
stewed catfish with brown sauce
烧鳗鱼 braised eel with soy sauce;
stewed ell with brown sauce
红烧河鳗 braised ell with soy sauce;
stewed ell with brown sauce
红烧鲤鱼 braised carp with soy sauce;
stewed carp with brown sauce
红烧鲤鱼头 braised carp head with soy sauce;
stewed carp head with brown sauce
红烧青鱼 braised black carp with soy sauce;
stewed black carp with brown sauce
蒜头烧黄鳝 braised finless ell with garlic;
stewed finless eel with garlic
烧青衣鱼头 braised green wrasse head;
stewed green wrasse head
红烧桂鱼 braised mandarin fish with soy sauce;
stewed mandarin fish with brown sauce
白汁鳜鱼 braised mandarin fish with white sauce;
stewed mandarin fish with white sauce
菜炒鲈鱼 stir-fried perch with vegetables
炒鳝丝 stir-fried shredded finless eel
炒鳝片 stir-fried eel slices
松鼠黄鱼 fried yellow croaker in squirrel shape
熏黄鱼 smoked yellow croaker
白汁熏鲳鱼 smoked pomfret with white sauce
清炖甲鱼 braised turtle in clear soup
凤足炖甲鱼 steamed turtle with chicken's feet in soup
甲鱼裙边煨肥猪肉 stewed calipash and calipee with fat pork
火腿甲鱼汤 turtle soup with ham
炒鱿鱼 stir-fried squid
炒鱿鱼丝 stir-fried shredded squid
冬笋炒鱿鱼 stir-fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots
咖喱鱿鱼 fried squid with curry
蛋皮鱼卷 fried fish roll
炒木须银鱼 fried white t with eggs
a.鱼翅 shark's fins
蟹肉鱼翅 braised shark's fins with minced crab meat
鸡茸鱼翅 braised shark's fins with minced chicken
鸡丝鱼翅 braised shark's fins with shredded chicken; braised shark's fin with chicken shreds
鸡兰鱼翅 braised shark's fin with chicken shreds and bamboo shoots
鸡包鱼翅 braised chicken stuffed with shark's fin
鸡汁鱼翅 braised shark's fin with chicken gravy
红烧鱼翅 braised shark's fins with brown sauce; braised shark's fins with soy sauce
红扒鱼翅 braised shark's fins with brown sauce; braised shark's fins with soy sauce
白扒鱼翅 braised shark's fins with white sauce
海味扒鱼翅 braised shark's fins with sea food
清汤鱼翅 shark's fins in clear soup
b.鱼唇 fish lips
蚝油鱼唇 braised fish lips with oyster oil
蟹肉鱼唇 stewed fish lips with crab meat
白汁鱼唇 stewed shark's lips with white sauce
c.鱼肚 fish maw
鱼扒鱼肚 braised fish maw with white sauce
红烧鱼肚 braised fish maw with soy sauce; stewed fish maw with soy sauce
鸡丝烩鱼肚 stewed fish maw with shredded chicken
蟹肉鱼肚 stewed fish maw with crab meat
奶油鱼肚 fried fish maw with cream sauce
虾仁鱼肚 fried fish maw with shelled shrimps
三鲜鱼肚 fish maw with balls of shelled shrimps, fish and minced pork
清汤鱼肚 fish maw in clear soup
鱼肚鸡片汤 codfish maw soup with sliced chicken

2、虾 shrimp
盐水虾 boiled shrimps with shell in salt water
面拖虾 shrimp fritters
清炒虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps
炒虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps
芙蓉虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with egg-white sauce
面包虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps on croutons
青豆虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with green gravy
茄汁虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with tomato sauce
蟹黄虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with crab roe
锅巴虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with crispy fried rice crust
凤肝虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with chicken liver
菜炒虾脯 stir-fried minced shrimps with vegetables
油炸虾丸 fried shrimp balls
虾仁扒豆腐 stewed shelled shrimps with bean curd
烩虾仁 braised shrimp meat
油焖大虾 braised prawns
黄焖大虾 braised prawns with brown sauce
红烧对虾 braised prawns with soy sauce
红烧明虾 braised prawns with soy sauce
罐焖大虾 braised prawns in pot; pot-braised prawns
荷包金鲤虾 braised prawns stuffed with glutinous rice in the shape of golden carp
炸大虾 fried prawns; deep-fried prawns; fried jumbo shrimps
炸金钱大虾 fried prawns in the shape of golden coin
炸烹大虾 fried giant prawns; grilled prawns with sauce
椒盐大虾 fried prawns with pepper sauce
炸虾串 fried prawn shashlik
炸虾托 fried prawn canape
软炸虾 soft-fried prawn slices
炒虾片 stir-fried prawn slices
炒大虾片 stir-fried prawn slices
炒鸡肝虾片 fried prawn slices with chicken liver
炸虾饼 fried prawn cutlets; fried shrimp cutlets
煎虾饼 fried prawn cutlets; fried shrimp cutlets
茄汁虾片 fried prawns with tomato sauce
煎明虾 fried prawns with shell in gravy
煎明虾段 fried prawn sections
干烧明虾 fried prawns with pepper sauce
煎酿大明虾 fried giant prawns with soy and ginger sauce
炸竹笋脆虾 fried prawns with bamboo shoots
炸凤尾明虾 fried prawns in the shape of phoeni
炸虾球 fried prawn balls; deepfried prawn meat balls
煎虾丸 fried shrimp balls with sauce
鲜菇炒大虾 stir-fried prawns with fresh mushrooms
鲜菇炒虾球 stir-fried shelled shrimp balls with mushrooms
菜花炒虾丸 stir-fried jumbo shrimp balls with cauliflower
红煤虾球 braised jumbo shrimp balls with cauliflower
辣味烩虾 braised prawns with chilli/chili sauce
辣昧烩虾球 braised prawn balls with chilli/chili sauce
3、蟹 crab
蒸螃蟹 steamed crab
蒸梭子蟹 steamed sea crabs
醉蟹 liquor preserved crab
姜汁大肉蟹 fried fresh crab with ginger sauce
酱油蟹 fried crabs with bean sauce
炒蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat
炒海蟹肉 stir-fried minced crab meat
蟹肉豆腐 stir-fried minced crab meat with bean curd
奶汁蟹肉 stir-fried minced crab meat with cream sauce
香菇蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat with mushrooms
芙蓉蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat with egg-white
菜炖蟹肉 stewed crab meat with vegetables
蟹肉狮子头 stewed crab meat with minced pork balls

4、海参 sea cucumber
海参烩鸡丝 stewed sea cucumbers with shredded chicken

海参扒鸡条 braised sea cucumbers with sliced chicken

海参肉片 braised sea cucumbers with pork slices

红烧海参 braised sea cucumbers with brown sauce;

braised sea cucumbers with soy sauce

葱烧海参 braised sea cucumbers with spring onions

麻辣海参片 braised sea cucumbers with chilli/chili sauce

胡辣海参片 braised sea cucumbers with chilli/chili sauce

鱼丸烧海参 stewed sea cucumbers with fish balls

鸡茸海参 fried sea cucumbers with mashed chicken;

fried sea cucumbers with minced chicken

火腿肉丸烧海参 stewed sea cucumbers with pork balls and ham slices

虾仁海参 stewed sea cucumbers with shrimps

鲍鱼海参 fricassee sea cucumbers with abalone

芙蓉海参 fricassee sea cucumbers with egg white

5、鲍鱼 abalone
蚝汁鲍鱼片 fried abalone slices with oyster sauce

蚝油焖鲍鱼 stewed abalone slices with oyster sauce

红烧鲍鱼 braised abalone with soy sauce

红烧酥鲍 braised abalone with soy sauce

红烧鲜鲍 braised fresh abalone with soy sauce

黄焖干鲍 braised abalone with brown sauce

红炖紫鲍 braised abalone garnished with green vegetables

白扒鲍鱼 braised abalone with white sauce

鸡茸金钱鲍 fricassee abalone with minced chicken

鸡茸炒鲍丝 fried abalone shreds with minced chicken

鸡片鲍鱼 fried abalone with sliced chicken

鸡翅鲍鱼片 braised abalone slices with chicken wings

鸡球鲍脯 braised abalone with chicken balls

冬菇鲍鱼 braised abalone with black mushrooms

蘑菇鲍脯 braised abalone with fresh mushrooms

鸡油鲍鱼磨菇 fried abalone and mushrooms with chicken fat

鸡汁鲍鱼鱼翅 steamed abalone with shark's fins in chicken soup

蚝油小鲍鱼 fried awabi with oyster sauce

6、贝类 shellfish
面拖牡蛎 oyster fritters

白灼螺片 fried sliced whelk

鸡肉螺片 fried sliced whelk with chicken

凤肝螺片 fried sliced whelk with chicken liver

蚝油干贝 fried dried scallops with oyster sauce

油爆干贝 fried dried scallops with choice vegetables

白汁干贝 stewed dried scallops with white sauce

鸡冻干贝 fricassee scallop in chicken mousse

凉菜 cold dish
冷盘 cold dish

拼盘 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers

凉拼盘 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers

冷拼盘 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers

什锦小吃 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers

叉烧肉 roast pork fillet

白肉 plain boiled pork

酱肉 braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork

酱猪肉 braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork

酱肘子 braised pork shoulder with soy sauce; spiced pork shoulder

酱猪肘 braised pork leg with soy sauce; spiced pork leg

盐水肝 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

咸水肝 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

酱肚 braised pork tripe with soy sauce

红油肚丝 boiled shredded tripes with chilli/chili oil

凉拌肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce

拌肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce

凉拌腰片 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

拌腰片 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

炝腰花泡菜 boiled kidney with pickled vegetables

酱牛肉 braised beef with soy sauce; spiced beef

红油牛筋 boiled beef tendons with chilli/chili oil

盐水羊肉 boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton

咸水羊肉 boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton

凉拌鸡丝 shredded chicken with soy sauce

拌鸡丝 shredded chicken with soy sauce

白油鸡 steamed chicken

白切油鸡 sliced steamed chicken

白片鸡 sliced steamed chicken

盐水鸡 boiled chicken with salt; salted chicken

咸水鸡 boiled chicken with salt; salted chicken

童子油鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce; soy tender chicken

白沾鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce; soy tender chicken

白斩鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce; soy tender chicken

蚝油白鸡 boiled chicken with oyster sauce

白露鸡 plain boiled chicken with mustard

白片鸡 boiled tender chicken slices

红油鸡丁 boiled diced chicken with chilli/chili soil

麻辣鸡 boiled chicken with chilli/chili and wild pepper sauce

卤鸡 boiled chicken with spices; spiced chicken;

pot-stewed chicken in soy sauce

卤鸡杂 boiled chicken giblets with spices; spiced chicken giblets

酱鸡 braised chicken with soy sauce

酱鸭 braised ck with soy sauce

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 17:34

以后再也不会买vivo质量太差了!才买来的都是卡死,两千多的手机就... 17寸显示器 部分网页右侧看不到 无法显示 猎豹手机浏览器使用百度搜索为何经常白屏,只要点网址导航页的百度,就很... 用什么浏览器都放不出视频是怎么回事,会出现白屏一闪一闪的,时而又五颜... 在使用猎豹浏览器打开一个新标签时突然白屏,然后恢复正常 食品可否退换货 换了主板后,开机只有CPU风扇在转,进不了系统没有"嘀"声显示器没反应 CP... ...又没有发票怎么办了 我是用微信付款的 我该怎么投诉了 ...话多交多得,但以我爸为例,57 岁,交3年可领养老金 眉山城镇社保按1.0缴费退休多少钱? 对菜描述性的语言 贵鱼怎么烧好吃? 现在开药店还需不需要驻店执业药师 执业药师药店必须要吗? 听说现在零售药店不需要执业药师了是吗 未来药店的兴起,执业药师还有需求吗 听说农村乡镇药店不用执业药师了,那考执业药师还有什么用? 在未来,药师会被取代么 以前月经3天左右,这个月7天了,白天量少,晚上量又很大是怎么回事 月经期间量时多时少是为什么? 月经量很少,第一天不多,只占卫生巾一小部分晚上也不多,第二天白天更少,晚上就没有了。怎么回事啊,以 月经量少,而且有时候晚上来白天就没有 例假第二天,白天量还正常,晚上六点到九点之间突然特别多,感觉三个小时流了三天的量,之后就少了为什么 月经期间白天有晚上没有且经量少 月经期间,白天量多,晚上几乎没有 挂烫机有什么用 淘宝哪里查看被那家卖家投诉 平安的防癌险和新华的防癌险那个好 平安抗癌卫士保险是怎么报销的 银川哪里可以办公交卡? 河南八大碗是哪八大? 餐桌英文 江南西附近的美食有? 中国银行对公预付款保函是什么? 娄底哪里的鱼杂火锅好吃 西餐餐点英日对照 碱面条如何防止它变色..我存放了一会就颜色转变了 我想了解中国银行对公预付款保函 高分求!!外贸出口,客户要求开银行预付款保函,具体怎么操作? c4dr21阿诺德渲染只能快照保存 c4d阿诺德ipr不能自动渲染 c4d怎么用arnol渲染动画 c4d阿诺德渲染出来为什么有的地方没有细分曲线 c4d镜头动画不显示只有oc实时渲染才显示要怎么解决 阿诺德渲染怎么最终聚集 maya for arnold渲染器,渲染玻璃,玻璃有影子还是没影子? c4d Arnold 画面抖动 C4D R18oc4.0渲染失败检查控制台窗口 为什么c4d渲染后不能点全部帧 c4d20120怎判断好坏