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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-20 11:21



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 14:39

I enjoy summer vacation very much.
Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. We have more than fifty days to rest. Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . In the evening, I like to go shopping with my friends.
We can eat many things in summer, such as ice creams, watermelons, grapes, so on.In summer, I always go on a trip with my parents. It's a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places.



 My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable。 I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays.It is very beautiful there。 there are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people。 i spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there.Iwrote down what happened in my diary every day。

  besides that,I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons.I helped them read english improve their spoken english.Their parents thanked me for this。



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 14:40

The vacation was so exciting.Last month,I went with my parents to Japan.It was the tourist resort.We were lying on the beach and we had having a sunny bath.I had bought something that I thought fashionable to my friends,such as Japanese kimono,necklace and so on.As days go by,we had to go home.Japan is a country with long history.I think I will come there again next holiday.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 14:40


热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 14:41

Hello Are you Zhu Bajie? Hello

I enjoy summer vacation very much.Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. We have more than fifty days to rest. Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . In the evening, I like to go shopping with my fri...


I have a very interesting summer vacation this year. I really miss my grandparents.So I spent my summer vacation with my grandparents in my hometown--a small village. I had a lot of fun with my grandparents. They taught me how to cook. It was a kind of hot where my grand...

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您好:快乐的暑假生活-Happy Summer HolidaysMy summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfathe...


A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I've been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occup...


A twinkling of an eye on over the summer, my holiday I had a very meaningful, because my mother took me to travel. Grandparents to see me from the field. I have had the happiest thing, there are not happy because I learned a lot. I will not be doing laundry, but I ...


I had a busy last summer vacation. I went to beijing with my mom. We went to the palace museum. It was very beauitful. We ate some beijing duck. It tasted good. All in all Iwas very happy.


homework in summer holiday.不知道你对这篇文章满意不,这篇文章故意设置的几个问题是1故意时态错误,用的全是现在时,2 基本上没有衔接,3,用词重复,句式简单,4双谓语结构。我觉得这都是一般人写作文常犯的错误。不知道你的水平是什么,如果你需要更高级点的版本也可以和我说,我再改改。


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