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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 23:26



热心网友 时间:2023-07-16 12:30

Universe is a space, time, matter and energy, posed by continuum. Is a synthesis of all space and time. General understanding of the universe that we existed a temporal and spatial continuous system, including all materials, energy, and events. According to big bang cosmological model of the universe projection, age of the universe about 20 billion years.
The shape of the universe is still unknown, humans in audacity to imagine. Some people say that the universe is in fact a human-like creature in a small cell. The shape of the universe according to the big bang theory, the history of the universe can be expressed as a right-side opening of closed surfaces. Left Center for bang singularity, right 13.7 billion years to reach our now open. From left to right are: Singularity, 400,000 years of expansion, nearly 400 million years in the early dark phase, stars, galaxies and planets appear development phase, contains dark matter and dark energy accelerating expansion period.

Gaze upwards on a dark night, and you will see the 'Milky Way', a glowing ribbon made up of many individual stars. This is our first clue to the fact that that stars are not uniformly distributed throughout space, but clustered together to form galaxies. Galaxies can vary in...


The universe is space, time, matter and energy, the unity of composition. All space and time integrated. A general understanding of the universe that we exist in a space-time continuous system, including during all of the material, energy and events. The universe according to the ...


bolstering the case that they could have seeded life on other planets.


Our universe, mysterious, in our solar system, the study of value, as the universe. Now, let's see, members of the solar system. The planet mercury, a phrase, nor, even a drop of surface temperature is quite large, if you put in the daytime is a pig, KaoRuZhu, night ...


Furthermore, such a planet would probably have the same general composition as our own; so, allowing a billion years or two — or three — there would be a very good chance for life to develop, if current theories of the origin of life are correct.But intelligent life? Life ...


Cosmic radiation is part of our natural environment, and we are constantly exposed to a certain amount of ionizing radiation. Radiation originating from outer space and the sun is called cosmic radiation and contributes about 13% of the background radiation level on Earth (a greater ...


age of the universe about 20 billion years.The shape of the universe is still unknown, humans in audacity to imagine. Some people say that the universe is in fact a human-like creature in a small cell. The shape of the universe according to the big bang theory, the history ...


The universe is probably life. The so-called XX is divided into is an extradimensional space, may be called the universe is just one point of the earth is a space is also a kind of life? Our life whether space is who manipulated? XX observation of our every word and action...


here is a different one.The story of Jack and the Beanstalk is starting to sound more and more possible every day: a huge, tall structure comes out of the ground and goes straight up through the clouds; at the end is a wonderful, mysterious castle. Developers at NASA's ...

宇宙存在的意义 要一个英文版本的 急

Meaning is not something that is found in the world the same way mass, length, or volume is. These are physical properties of the universe that can be found in the outside world. Meaning is altogether different. It is not an objective property of the world like mass and ...

宇宙英文 宇宙英文怎么写 宇宙大文章 宇宙相关文章 关于宇宙的好文章 宇宙英语怎么说 宇航员英文 有关宇宙和地球的作文 宇宙和地球作文
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