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英语Can you tell me how I can use the computer? 同义句转换_百度知 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-17 13:08



Can you show me how I can use the computer?类似的叫什么从句?跪求...

宾语从句 : 即从句(how I can use the computer)做主句(Can you show me) 的宾语 宾语从句主要有一下几种形式,各举一例:I think that he is a student.(连词that引导)I don't know where to go.(特殊疑问词where引导)can you tell me if / whether he can come ?(if 或whether ...

Q1:Do you know how i can use the computer?(改为同义句) DO you...

how to use How will, be

How do I use the computer?英语作文

They have evolved as a natural consequence of man’s growing need for fast and accurate calculation. To make myself better equipped in my field of study I have learned several computer languages to communicate with the computer. My experience tells me that if we want to become com...

...like to teach me how to use the computer.

it指代用来泛泛地指某事,可用于如I like it, I appreciate it,I hate it等类似的句子。it和that均可指代前面提到的名词或事,it是人称代词,可指代同名同物,指代有不定冠词的或有其他限定词的单数可数名词,也可指代一件具体的事;that是指示代词,常指代有定冠词的单数可数名词和不可数名词,也...


例如:"Could you give me a hand with this furniture?""Could you give me a hand with this report? I don't know this information."3. "Can you show me how to...?"例如:"Can you please show me how to use this computer?""Can you show me how to book a ticket?"4. "...

Can you show me ___ to start the computer? [ ] A. what B...



A, How far B, How long C, How many D, How much ( )6.The singer is known ___people in the world. A, to B, by C, of D, for ( )7. A: Can you tell me ___ with the watch ? B: It’s broken. A, what’s the matter B, what the matter is C, what’s the wrong ...

...would like to teach me how to use the computer. 如果你愿意叫我...

这是对将来情况的虚拟, 因此主句谓动用would + 动词原形. 即: would appreciate .如果条件句是真实条件句, 那么这个句型中的would就可以换成will .如:I will appreciate it if you pay in cash. (只不过不如用would, paid 那个句子委婉客气)比较: I'd appreciate it if you could turn it ...

急求初三英语作文(下)how to use the computer . 最好附有翻译_百度知...

How to use the computer A computer can do many things. It can print out documents, it can let you surf on the internet, and it can store photos. You can exchange e-mail, listen to music, watch movies or television shows, buy things, browse the web, play games, and a ...


可以这样转换:A : Anna , M: Mark A: - Is that John ? This is Anna’s speaking ? There is a party to- night. Will you come and attend it with me ?M: Oh . John is not in . He has gone downtown. This is Mark , John’s room - mate. What can I do for ...

重本和一本一样吗 永劫无间是第几人称:小说叙事视角分析 名字未定(第三人称双男主 周霖 温宿) 我得了职业病〈轻度苯中毒〉,有职业病诊断证明书.工伤认定期间我没上... ...后来感觉麻烦,就直接去药店买药,他开了很多 这是十年前的功放,求高手看看那几个孔是什么? 车子断保险之后再交是一样的吗 车险断交后再续交 女性查激素六项什么时候检查 有一个素质很低下的室友是一种什么样的体验? 新鲜笋子煮麻辣鱼怎么做 笋子煮麻辣鱼的做法 热血传奇礼卷刷声望令 湖北襄阳包地种水稻怎么样? 湖北襄阳市水稻只要分布在那些乡镇··??急···急···急··_百 ... 湖北那里有大规模机械化水稻种植的示范园,我想学习经验 湖北省宜城那里还有大面积水稻田和地对外承包的 win102004更新总是重启卡死 win10更新卡住不动可以重启吗 朋友重病了,他家里负担不起,能通过爱心筹筹款吗? 移液管存放应该是正着插放,还是倒着插放呢? 胖大海 金银花 枸杞炮的喝能加冰糖不? 领遗属补助需要什么证明 遗属补助需要证明 君威方向盘中间大螺丝多大 勇者前线国际服充值教程 海外游戏代充方法介绍 北京老年人失能补贴申请流程 北京老人失能补贴怎么样申请 初中毕业可以考会计吗 学历要求是什么 初中毕业可以考会计中级吗 casiolq-142怎么换电池 学生假期打工没有签劳动合同老板不给工资怎么办 ——Can you tell me how to use the computer? could you tell me how can i use the computer与could you tell me... 冬季喝铁观音怎么样 amount of与amounts of的区别是什么? 小边坡坡度不大可以直接喷浆吗? 为什么是Her hard work paid off? 卖面包车跑配送的套路? 胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利翻译 宁波市北仑区哪里有卖面包车的地方 一份耕耘一份收获这句谚语英文应该怎么表达 卖了一辆面包车没过户驾驶证审验有没有影响 天津大港区哪里有卖面包车 只要功夫深铁杵磨成针用英语怎么说 长安新款面包车哪里有卖 长清有卖二手车面包车的吗在哪里 说话吐字不清,上嘴唇不听使唤 上嘴唇有根神经不时扯一扯是怎么回事,感觉往左下方拽,拽着约三秒放开... 宝宝15个月发现助外骨外翻怎么办 乌鲁木齐所有的早市和晚市 都在那 知道的请讲一下越多越好 最近发现孩子有点肋骨外翻,吃哪个钙补钙效果好?