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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-17 05:15



热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 19:50

Last week,I went to Beijing.The weather was fine.I visited the Great Wall.Oh, it was wonderful.Then I went to the Forbidden City,i thought that is really beautiful.After a wonderful meal,I wevt to the Summer Palace.It has a long history.I also saw the lake and the lotus bud, it's so beautiful!
I was really happy,though I was so tired.I love this interesting tip.

译文:北京有着许多文化遗产,其中紫禁城,长城,周口店北京人遗址,天坛,颐和园和十三陵被联合国指定为世界文化和自然遗产。城市里共有7309处历史文物遗址,其中60处被定为高级文化遗产,另外还有234处为北京市文化遗产。2、一片去北京旅游的英语作文 80词 s cultural activities, from enjoying traditional...


A Trip to Beijing Last summer, I had a three-day trip to Beijing. I visited famous landmarks like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace. The traditional architecture and rich history fascinated me. The local cuisine, such as Peking duck, was delicious. I ...

七年级下册的 参观北京的长城、颐和园、故宫景色的英语作文。急求~

故宫:The Forbidden City is the ancient building is the essence of the east. The Forbidden City is called the Forbidden City, Ming and qing dynasties, the imperial palace in 1925 said. The palace building character can use "beauty, big, saint" to summarize. The beauty of it, ...


Last week,I went to Beijing.The weather was fine.I visited the Great Wall.Oh, it was wonderful.Then I went to the Forbidden City,i thought that is really beautiful.After a wonderful meal,I wevt to the Summer Palace.It has a long history.I also saw the lake and the lotus...


France Chateau de Versailles, Buckingham Palace in England, the United States White House, the Russian Kremlin).Palace Museum was founded in the year 1406,1420 basic completion of the year, are the Ming emperor Zhu Di built.故宫961 meters long from north to south from east to wes...

游记 英语作文

but overall, the trip was very pleasant.译文:今年暑假,我和爸爸妈妈去北京旅游,第一天参观长城,第二天参观故宫和颐和园;在玩耍中,还照了一些照片,我觉得旅行很有趣,北京是个美丽干净的城市,唯一遗憾的是天气实在太热了,让我觉得有点人不舒服,但总体来说这次旅行还是非常愉快的。


作文一: Beijing, the capital of China, is a must-visit destination for travelers. With its ric2、求一篇用现在完成时写一篇去北京玩的英语作文?我去北京玩了Last summer, I took a trip to Beijing, which was a fantastic and unforgettable experience for me. 我去年夏天去了北京旅游,这是一个令人...


篇一:北京一日游 One-day Tour in Beijing Beijing is our capital city which is famous for its long history. Now we have a one-day tour plan for you.北京是我们的首都,以悠久的历史而闻名。现在我们为你制定了一天的旅游计划。In the morning, you can start the day at the Great ...


Last week,I went to Beijing.The weather was fine.I visited the Great Wall.Oh, it was wonderful.Then I went to the Forbidden City,i thought that is really beautiful.After a wonderful meal,I wevt to the Summer Palace.It has a long history.I also saw the lake and the lotus...


描写北京的英语作文带翻译篇一 Beijing, our capital city, is famous for its long history. A one-day tour plan for you awaits.北京,我们的首都,以悠久历史著称。为您准备了一天旅游计划。早晨从长城开始新一天,它是世界伟大奇迹之一,壮观到不访北京就不能不访长城。中午前往颐和园,众多名胜...

颐和园和故宫的区别 故宫和颐和园是一个地方吗 故宫的颐和园介绍 颐和园和故宫相距多远 颐和园的景色 颐和园景区景色 故宫到颐和园多远 颐和园和圆明园是一个地方吗 颐和园美景的精美描写
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