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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 02:06



热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 04:36

Ying Yang Twins & Pitbull - shake

shake - lyrics

Shake shake just shake shake
Just shake shake
Just shake chica shake shake
Shake shake just shake shake
Just shake shake
Just shake chica shake shake
Dale huevos
Dale huevos
[Verse 1 (Pitbull)]
Up in the club
* V-I-P
P to da I...I to da T
Ying to the Yang
Up in this thang
D to da roc
My Nigga Kaine
Open it cut
Pouring it up
Rolling it up
Holding it up
Aint her ass swollen or what?
Yes sir yes sir
Oh we gonna take it back like theives and foes
Nasty as i wanna be
That must be 2 loud for your crew
Hoe get down get low
Im crossin these mammas like tic tac toe
Lets ride lets go
Get loose get crunk get drunk get blowed
Thats right lets roll
MIA ATL fo sho
Shake shake just shake shake
Just shake shake
Just shake chica shake shake
Shake shake just shake shake
Just shake shake
Just shake chica shake shake
Dale huevos
Dale huevos
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
[Verse 2 (Ying Yang Twins)]
All the lil' mammas all 'round the world
Shake that ass if you a nasty girl
Back that ass up says juvenile
Show a nigga some titties like Girls Gone Wild
Take off your stripper clothes, I wanna see you in the nude
You can keep on your high-heel shoes
So follow me down the yellow brick road
Where niggas go to see naked hos
Shake that shit bitch
Have me off in the club with a hard-ass dick
Then drop like this bitch
If you wanna make the money shawty work that shit
Put a hump in your back and lift your rump
Do a three-point stance, put yo fist up her ass
You must be on that Kanye work-out plan
Like head, shoulders, knees, hos
Shake shake just shake shake
Just shake shake
Just shake chica shake shake
Shake shake just shake shake
Just shake shake
Just shake chica shake shake
Dale heuvos
Dale huevos
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
[Verse 3 (Ying Yang Twins)]
Take em out in cruise
Take em out all dressed
Is the realest true niggas in the ATL
Yeah we break it down betta shake a booty
And hoes and the hoe with the real tight clothes
One time for the gang with the ying yang twins
We already know we off the reel
Dont tolerate that talkin
Bitch u can get to walkin
Patron is what im groaking
The only way that we gon' talk
If your breath smells like mine
Girl I don't give a * cause you fine
I diss em fo I kiss em
I pack em fo i stack em
So while we in the club betta get these girls
Cause on the streets there aint no action
Shake shake just shake shake
Just shake shake
Just shake chica shake shake
Shake shake just shake shake
Just shake shake
Just shake chica shake shake
Dale huevos
Dale huevos
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
That ho's fine but but but but this hoe's a killa
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