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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 00:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 04:16

Last satuday evening, I went to Kitty's sixteenth birthday party at her home.Many of her friends were there too.
At the party,Kitty wore a pink dress. She looked beautiful like a princess.We sang Happy Birthday to her and gave her a lot of presents.She was happy and surprised to see them.We shared a big birthday cake and some jelly.We also took a lot of photos.
All the friends had a good time. I think everyone needs friends.

It was a very unforgettable overnight party. Last Sunday, I went to my friend Lucy' birthday party. She introduced some of her new friends to me. They are friendly and funny.We sang a Birthday song to lucy.She made a wish and blow out the candles. We sang and play fun ...

写一个关于你朋友的生日聚会,一篇英语作文,不少于五十个单词_百度知 ...

That was a birthday party that improved me most in my early years.


Chinese Kung Fu, Ellen danced, and Susan sang a beautiful English song. We all had a good time.


Today is Sam 's birthday .He likes reading books very much ,so I decided to give him a book as a birthday present .I arrived his home at about half past six ,he was very happy when he met me.I gave him my present ,he said he likes it very much .We had a great...


Today I took part in Lucy's birthday party, to a lot of people very busy. We all gave her a wide variety of gifts, she was very fond of. Then she cut a big cake, we eat the cake, very good to eat. We then performed a wide variety of programs. Today is a happy ...


beautiful like a princess.We sang Happy Birthday to her and gave her a lot of presents.She was happy and surprised to see them.We shared a big birthday cake and some jelly.We also took a lot of photos.All the friends had a good time. I think everyone needs friends.


It was my classmate’s birthday last Friday. He invited some of his classmates and me to his birthday party. I bought a book as (当作) a gift and took the subway to his home. It was 5:30 pm when I got there. Jack was very happy and he liked the gift very much. ...


Dear Alice,Thank you for inviting me to jion your birthday party yesterday.We had a good time at your home.Your parents were so kind and easy-going,and your friends were also friendly to me .The cake was pretty good,The dinner was wonderful and quite delicious.The videodisc ...


It was an unforgetable party, my teacher's birthday party. I like our new-coming young and beautiful English teacher, she not only has a good-looking face but a golden heart, she's nice to every one in my class. I never expected she invited me to her birthday party, and ...


sang some songs including the birthday song. They shared the birthday cake. Some of them got very drunk. Mary was one of them. She was so drunk that she couldn't even pay the bill. In the end, Jim paid the bill.The next day Jim got a thank-you letter from Mary.

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