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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 06:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:14

Twisted - Eminem

He's had that stone face,

as if I'm not here

Can't you see
that I've been crying?

I didn't know you'd be insane

Dreams can be so deceiving

You're an itch I can't reach

A wound that won't heal

The smell of skin that's burning

I didn't know you'd be insane

But it's true,

and just say all I am to you

Is a pain in my neck,

thorn in my side

Stain on my blade,

blood on my knife

Been dreaming of her,

all of my life
But she won't come true,
she's just my nightmare I woke up to
She's twisted, he's a lover,
she's set, he's hard to handle
The worst part of all is he just don't care

She's twisted like a rope,
that is wrapped around his throat
But the worst part of
all is she really don't give a

(She don't give a shit)

Sometimes I wish that you'd just die

Cause I'm too afraid of leaving

I didn't know you'd be insane

Dreams can be so deceiving

(How did it come to this?

Why do I fantasize to kill you
when you're sleeping?)

I didn't know you feel the same

When I say you're no good
All you are to me

Is a pain in my neck,

thorn in my side

Stain on my blade,

blood on my knife
Been dreaming of her,

all of my life
But she won't come true,
she's just my nightmare I woke up to
She's twisted, he's a lover,
she's set, he's hard to handle
The worst part of all is he just don't care

She's twisted like a rope,
that is wrapped around his throat
But the worst part of
all is she really don't give a

Love ain't no fairytale,
love is a buried nail
Inside of this heart of stone,
so you wanna get married? Well
Romeo, Romeo, smokin' blow with Antonio
In the back alley takin' shots
of whiskey and only gold
Juliet's at the nudie bar,
doin' God only knows
Neither one of 'em came to see the dog
and the pony show
But a bitch is a bitch,
and a horse is a horse
And I'm sorry I can't afford
to get your daddy's old Porsche painted
Sorry Juliet that you embedded the sayin'
If a dollar makes you holler
then I'm gettin' the short change of it
Feel like I've been asleepin' alone
and lovin' this angel
Tangled between a dream and a coma
Walkin' the edge of this cliff,
like a sheep to it's owner
Then wake up to
this *in' bitch with an evil persona
Now if you say that you hate somebody
and you livin' with them
Then they pack up and leave
and you bitch about how you miss 'em
You gotta see the pattern
of the blood all over the steerin' wheel
Love is a cannibal ridin' a carnival carousel

'Round and 'round we roll,
where it stops, baby nobody knows
Some people go crazy
and they lose control
Some people jump off,
some people won't let go
Some people say love,
some people say why
Some people don't love,
they just want a free ride
The rain won't stop,
it'll never dry
If she's in the house of pain
then love is standin' outside
She's twisted, he's a lover,
she's set, he's hard to handle
The worst part of all is he just don't care

She's twisted like a rope,
that is wrapped around his throat
But the worst part of
all is she really don't give a

(She don't give a shit)
Maybe I'm a twisted one
that screwing this up

So I guess this means Goodbye,

for now
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