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...弱弱的问一句,“clean the chalk off the blackboard”

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-21 23:01



...弱弱的问一句,“clean the chalk off the blackboard”

总之,clean off中的off 可以是副词,也可以是介词。如clean the chalk off,off是副词 =clean off the chalk。off是副词 clean the chalk off the blackboard。off是介词


把黑板上的粉笔擦掉英语:Wipe the chalk off the blackboard 。双语例句:1、He Wiped Out With An Eraser What He Had Written On The Blackboard。他用黑板擦把他在黑板上写的东西全擦掉了。2、You Can Rub Out The Chalk Marks With The Eraser。你可以用黑板擦把粉笔印擦掉。3、The Teacher...

...on the blackboard with ___. A.paper, chalks B.pap.

B 试题分析:句意:没有纸了,我只能用粉笔在黑板上写了。Paper纸,不可数名词;chalk粉笔,不可数名词;两者都没有复数形式,故选B。


C Students are supposed to ___ the blackboard before ___ the next class. A. clean the chalk, began B. clean the chalk off, began C. clean the chalk off, beginning D. clean the chalk off, begun D ___ the way you talk. It’s impolite to talk ___. A....


of Academic Building in the left gate, canteen in the left side of the bedroom. Up from the corridor on the third floor of my Class. Into the classroom, rostrum in front of the blackboard, chalk box at the top of the podium, broom in the right side of the blackboard.



求大神帮翻译 英语翻译

”英语翻译,,,求大神 After class,students should wipe off the chalk from the blackboard. He says that he prefers the music that he can dance to. In your free/spare time, what are you used to doing? Do you think that adolescents should be encouraged to make their dec...


Please can you clean the blackboard/the whiteboard/the board?Would you mind cleaning the board, please?Just clean this half.Leave that section.We still need this part.Just clean that bit.Don\'t clean that side.Not this hit.Only that part.Just that section. Thank you very much.Could you...


表示“一支粉笔”时用a piece of chalk,“两支粉笔”用two pieces of chalk,“一盒粉笔”用a box of chalk,“一盒彩色粉笔”用a box of coloured chalks。 chalk的例句: 1、He took out a piece of chalk and wrote his problem on the blackboard. 他拿出了一支粉笔并在黑板上写下他的问题。 2、Let...

英语短文翻译In the fall of 1924 Thomas Wolfe, fresh from his co...

he gave the number of seats in the room, pointed out those which were taken by boys and those occupied by girls, named the colors each student was wearing, pointed out the Latin verb written on the blackboard, spoke of the chalk marks which the cleaner had failed to wash ...

cleanoff和cleanup clean sth off chalk off什么意思 clean off clean…off什么意思 chernoff什么意思 chernoff什么意思中文 clean off什么意思中文 chalk的中文意思
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