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A healthy lIfe 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 07:59



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 20:27

Do you have a healthy life?Well, If you want to have a healthy life,you should eat meal at the same time each day. You have to play sports every day ,too!Don't eat more food !If you do it every day,you will be heavy.But if you never eat food for a long time ,I think it's bad for your health!I hope you are in good health!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 20:27

A healthy life

Everyone wants health, but has various excuses for not leading a healthy life. Is it really so difficult to lead a healthy life?

Not really, in my opinion. Get up early and go to bed early. Have enough sleep. Have a balanced diet, and vegetables and fruit are particularly good. Drink lots of water as it helps to clear the toxins in your body. Avoid smoking as it can lead to diseases such as lung cancer and respiratory diseases. Drink as little alcohol as possible as it is not good for your health. Do exercise every day. It could be a walk or playing ball games. It helps to strengthen your heart and lungs.

I am sure you will be healthy if you keep doing the above.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 20:28

There is a saying that health is better than wealth. It is very important for people to lead a healthy life because one cannot be happy if he is ill.
In order to lead a happy and healthy life, we should eat breakfast every morning, take in more vitamins and minerals and eat less fat and cholesterol. Secondly, we must get enough sleep because sleep is vital to good health. If we don’t have enough sleep, our memory, learning and logical reasoning will be negatively affected.Thirdly, it is most important for us to do exercises regularly. It can help control weight and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints. Moreover, it also helps rece risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.

Bodily hygiene is also important. We should practice good dental hygiene by brushing our teeth every morning and at night. We should visit the dentist once a year to clean our teeth.

Last of all, we should take up a hobby because hobbies are enjoyable nad relaxing activities. They help people live happier, healthier and recover better from illness.

In conclusion, if we are able to follow the above steps, we can lead a healthy life and ensure that we are free from illnesses.
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