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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 16:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 12:55

Many people are for sports and fitness, weight loss, but the diet before and after exercise is also very important, but worry about eating too much will affect the effect of exercise, and today small to introce the principles of diet before and after exercise, let you easily to achieve the best athletic performance.

1, eat more fruits when preparing

A day rich in starch entrees (pasta, rice, potatoes) have a meal of dry bread, bread, or other cereal; fruit daily 2-3. When the motion to extend the time required to add sweets and sweet drinks.

2, a cup of honey water before morning exercise might

Morning before not to eat, a cup of honey water seniors can provide energy. Middle-aged and young people up in the morning to eat some fruit, how much to provide some energy, go exercise.

Morning after morning exercises calorie food should be a little higher, because of the need to supplement the calories consumed through food.

The elderly should not too much protein supplement, eat 1 to 2 eggs, for high cholesterol, high cholesterol, the elderly, eating an egg yolk on the line, should not be too much intake of carbohydrates, 1 to 2 two enough, it is best to eat more grains such as whole wheat bread, and drink a glass of milk or a bowl of millet gruel. Breakfast must be vegetables, fruit can be used as snacks. Young and middle-aged people to go to work because, after morning exercise plus physical consumption, breakfast should be rich. Intake of protein foods, eggs, 1 to 2, chicken, lean meat may be appropriate to eat a little, some grains bread or whole wheat bread can also be appropriate to eat, plus an additional vegetables, a glass of milk provides essential energy.

3, before 1 hour of eating

For the people who participate in sports, there is only one word: Eat! But at least one hour before you start eating movement. This is to avoid the physical activity leads to digestive disorders. Similarly, to avoid eating difficult to digest food, such as succulent dish, deep-fried food. Ideally, the daily meals and snacks regularly timed so that the body can replenish nutrients.

4, the length of time in accordance with the movement of warm water than drinking 500cc

Body in motion will speed up blood circulation, even if the stomach feel hungry, but also must not eat immediately, in order to avoid rapid blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract, affecting fat burning rate. Due to the movement of the body more easily lost a lot of water and electrolytes, if not properly and timely to add water, dehydration is likely to cause harm to health.

Therefore, once every 10-15 minutes supplement water is a must, the best option is to warm water in order to allow the body to quickly absorb less hot water, avoid drinking ice water, heat impede the body's metabolic rate.

5, before exercise can drink a cup of sugarless coffee

In addition, research has also pointed out that the right amount of caffeine can also enhance the fat burning rate, if you can drink a cup of sugar before exercise, no cream ball coffee for recing body fat can also help. But easy palpitations, insomnia, it is best not to drink coffee, so as not to cause discomfort.

6, the amount of added carbohydrates

Although thin, the heat control is important, but do not think hungry games make you leaner, athletic meet consume the body heat and moisture, if the fasting movement, would give the psychological compensation, but after exercise eat more. Therefore, if it is not 1-1.5 hours after a meal after exercise, preferably 1 hour before exercise, add the right amount of carbohydrates, such as high-fiber biscuits, yogurt, fresh fruit and other easily digestible food, in addition to blood sugar after the movement can be avoided excessive decrease symptoms, but also can increase the rability and rece the sense of movement of fatigue and hunger after exercise. If the motion while the former was still hungry, can drink low-sugar drinks, such as honey or sugar water, soy milk and so on.

7, eat a small amount after exercise of high-fiber foods

Within 1 hour after exercise, moderate drinking water can add moisture excessive loss, but also to rece hunger. After the motion to be more than 1 hour, such as when you still feel hungry, then eat a small amount of whole grains, which can effectively help the body burn fat and get your weight-loss effect is more significant. If you want to increase the metabolic rate of the cells, it is recommended to supplement containing collagen foods, such as milk, eggs, skin and the like.

8, do not drink caffeinated beverages after exercise

After exercise to avoid drinking caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, soft drinks, and tea, because caffeine has a diuretic effect, it will make you supplement the body of water shortage. Although water and soft drinks can also provide carbohydrate, after not suitable for sports drinks, alts and children are best avoided Oh!

9, after exercise, eat more alkaline foods

Experts suggest that people after exercise, should eat more alkaline-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, soy procts, etc., in order to facilitate maintaining pH balance in the human body, maintaining human health, eliminate movement caused by fatigue as soon as possible.

An American pathologist after a long study that only weakly alkaline body fluids, in order to maintain human health. Normal weakly alkaline body fluids, people after physical exercise, feel muscle and joint soreness and mental fatigue, the main reason is the body of sugar, fat and protein are a large number of decomposition, in the decomposition process to proce lactic acid, phosphoric acid, etc. acidic substance.

These acidic substances stimulate the body tissues and organs makes people feel muscle and joint soreness and mental fatigue. At a time when simple food rich in acidic substances meat, eggs, fish, etc., makes body fluids more acidic, is not concive to fatigue lifted. While the consumption of vegetables, sweet potatoes, apples and citrus fruits like, e to their alkali into effect, can eliminate the body of excess acid, recing the acidity of urine, increasing the solubility of uric acid, the acid can rece the possibility of the formation of stones in the bladder.

10, one hour before eating after exercise

About an hour after exercise after eating, it is easier to accept all kinds of drinks or liquid food after exercise, and can add moisture if the two hours after exercise do not eat dinner, you can eat solid food carbohydrate and protein supplement. For example, three fruits (apples, oranges, etc.), plus two fruits a glass of milk, 500ml pure fruit juice, plus a two fruit yogurt, two slices of bread with jam and a cup of milk plus a little more.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 12:55

D: Life is so hard for me. Though I saved the money for many months , I still have only one dollar and eighty seven cents.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 12:56

t just wasn't meant to be

we must be bound to keep healthy. 如果想保持健康,均衡的饮食很重要.你最好吃足够的蔬菜,因为它包含丰富的维生素.适量的肉类也是需要的.避免油炸和烤制食品. 有规律地做一些运动也很重要,比如说跑步或者打打羽毛球.保持好的情绪对心理健康很重要.我们应该有新的思想,而且...


In current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit. In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate more vegetables and less meat and fish. They were very strong and seldom went to see doctors. Now life is better, people ...

英语作文 1每天锻炼身体约半小时 2每天吃蔬菜一天两次 3不喜欢吃垃 ...

If we keep going on our life healthily,we will have a good life.


I am sorry to hear that you are usually ill.I think keep health is very important.you can do these things as more as possible every day.You should eat breakfast on time .Then you could do morning exercises.Like running,piaying basketball,talking a walk...Playing sports is good...


we should eat less those foods with high caloric, such as fast food, and drink less carbonic acid beverage. Third, we should do more exercises. If we follow the guides, I think we will become more health.如今人们比以前更关心自己的健康,他们注重饮食。为了保持健康,我们应该努力做到...


As we all know, health in body and mind is important for success in the exams. So I'm writing to give you advice on it. Please go to bed and get up at a regular time and make sure you have enough sleep. Keep a balanced diet and avoid taking junk food. Take more ...


lunch at school because th e food is not delicious. So they often go o ut of school to buy something they like t o eat. But I am afraid it is bad for their h ealth to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn’t healthy enough . 翻译: 健康的食物对...


I think I'm pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. My eating habits are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I never drink coffee. Of course, I love junk food too, and I eat it ...


ahead。- 6、正如孔子教导的,迟到总比不到好。我们应当采取及时严厉的措施来扭转这一不好的局面。政府应当发起很多的道德运动以教育所有的市民,并制定更严厉的法律打击那些不负职责的企业,并禁止他们再次进入食品行业。我坚信,经过我们的共同努力,我们必须会在未来的日子中享受更多的无风险食品。


Dear Tom,I'm sorry to hear that you have fallen ill.Now I'll give you some advice on how to keep fit.First, it is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day. Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Through sports and exercise, people become ...

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