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sale at( )的英语作文,括号里填啥?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-08 00:10



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 22:45

英语作文给了一个sale at( )什么意思

sale at中文意思:出售地点。后面接地点名词,表示在哪儿出售。sale中文意思:出售,卖 at中文意思:prep.在(某处);在(学习或工作地点);在(某时间或时刻)We are having a jumble sale at our school. 我们准备在学校里搞个旧物义卖。So we have a good sale at home and abroad. 所以我们有一...

英语作文给了一个sale at( )什么意思

n sale不是固定搭配, 意思是正在出售 \r\neg. The new album of F.I.R is in sale now. \r\n\r\non sale \r\n是超市里特价的标志。现在也用在很多店面的打折品里。原意是拍卖品待售品,现在基本上都用为打折的意思。 \r\neg. Everything in wal-mart is on sale now....

sale at 的英语作文带翻译


教我英语作文(初一的)Sports shoes Store sale题目

sport shoes store sale on the occasion of this shop store opened to repay the general new old customers over the years of support and love. Promote much money brand sports shoes promotional activities and activities deadline for three days. After the activity, all brand sports shoes...


This morning our class had a charity sale on our school playground,All of my classmates joined in the activity.They took their model planes,kites and other handicrafts to the charity sale,At the begining of the charity sale,many students from different classes were attracted by us,...

on sale跟at sale一样吗?

不一样,on sale adj.待售的, 拍卖的,减价的 at sale很少这样说,一般用做 at a great sale,是大促销的意思


Please e to our restaurant to enjoy yourselves. On Sale for top ten reservations!!! Wow!!!去餐馆吃饭英语作文对话不少于十句话.服务生: Are you ready to order, sir?你准备点菜吗.先生?汤 姆: Yes. I`ll start with an appetizer of oysters. And I`m also going to have the C...

a meaningful life英语作文带翻译

One essential mark of living well is to be satisfied with one's accomplishments when taking a retrospective look at life and to be able to accept death and face infinity calmly. Henry's life seemed to lack many of the things that most of us take for granted as essential to a good lif...


初二英语作文300字 篇1 Dear Mary,Thank you very much for inviting me to your party. But I am very sorry I can't come.My mother is ill. The doctor asks her to stay in bed for several days. I have to take care of my mother.Thank you very much for sending me ...

英语作文: My Clothes

Come and buy your clothes at My Clothes Store.We have many good things at very good prices.Do you need T-shirts?We have T-shirts in all colors are on sale for only $10 each.Do you like skirt?We have red skirt for only $8 each.We also have biue pants for $15.For ...

theyardsale英语作文 charity sale英语作文 yardsale英语作文 英语小短文yardsale 英语作文我的家人 以遇见为题的英语作文 school sale作文 at sale 和on sale at a great sale
环球黑卡里面有钱吗 收留我歌词 让我们相爱歌词 ...只知道前面的歌词是‘我燃烧了翅膀,你却像风一样,那风铃在摇晃,倾听... 酒店集中隔离期后,为啥还要经过研讨才能出 ...我燃烧了翅膀 你却想风一样 那风铃在摇晃 倾听一种悲伤~~~_百度知... 多吃辣椒对皮肤好吗? 集中隔离到期结束流程是什么 关于时间换算的问题... 从1998年到2024年一共经过了多少年? 关于160万单位青霉素皮试问题,请教高人~~~ 160万单位青霉素皮试液怎么弄 160万单位青霉素,怎样配置出500单位的皮试溶液? 彩色电视突然变成黑白怎么办? 彩色电视机突然变成黑白的怎么办? adidas上衣怎样鉴别真假 角钢货架尺寸有哪几种规格 便利店货架尺寸规格有哪些 便 做角钢货架用什么型号的角钢 关于网站建设和网站所有权的问题,求大神解答! 如果我们的网站是请网络公司制作的,空间域名都是他们赠送的,请问我该怎样获得并确定网站的所有权? 英文一到几用英语怎么说 大战神的游戏系统 大战神传奇下载-大战神传奇安卓2022最新版免费下载 郁南县通门镇多少个村完成新农村建设项目 彭明生的不负重托 志存高远 广东茂名化州市播扬镇为什么农村盖房子都盖多层啊 酷我音乐绑定了怎么解除 滴滴司机是怎么付费的? 求三国战记2012无双版陆逊木剑变成永久的莫邪剑方法 为什么要持续研究人工光合作用 传祺GS82020款国VI落地价最低多少钱? 传祺GS82020款2.0T最低价格是多少钱? 梦见动作变慢 斯孝正是哪里人 沙漠玫瑰几天浇一次 沙漠玫瑰夏天多久浇一次水 最终幻想2歌词翻译 英文好的大侠们,求翻译啊!谢谢谢谢! 合肥华图公考怎么样 WiFi一下关一下开会坏吗? 中秋十一双节祝福语有哪些 一直开着WIFI用耗电,现在是想用的时候开,不想用的时候关闭,不过这样频繁开关对手机会不会有损害。。 四海为家不孤单,衣锦夜行也淡然;叶落归根何计较,两极靠拢不相干。 四海为家不孤单,衣锦夜行也淡然;叶落归根何计较,两极靠拢不相干。打一动物 “衣锦夜行也淡然,四海为家不孤单”这句话是形容哪种动物? 怎样安装长虹空调 里面那首英文歌叫什么? 请问谁能知道这首英文歌曲叫什么名字呢?很急,谢谢! 辣椒苗栽上三天了,有几颗得的什么毛病,老师给看一下,别的用预防不?