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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-24 03:05



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:37

The weather is very bad today, it has been raining for more than a week, which leads to a bad mood. Walking on the wet road, shoes and wet, then there is a car driving, there is no slowdown, the roadside water splashing up, and even pants are wet, a whole morning, the whole people are not good
Back to the company, see colleagues also greet colleagues out of spirits, have asked me how, I just had to tell her, after listening to my colleagues to do injustice. A colleague lent me his slippers, and a colleague handed me his hairdryer and blew my pants. I felt warm inside.
Today I began to work, leading to the arrangements for the work of full, because the company received a large project personnel and equipment to increase equipment has been bought, is also not to, I think it is because of the weather, leading to delays. New employees also came to the company early in the morning, is a lovely girl, just graated. She felt embarrassed and shy. I told her, "don't be shy, be bold, and work too hard. If you're careful, you can ask me if you don't understand."." She nodded after listening, and I trained her on a simple basis. Then arrange the location for her and give her a little simple job, and feel good about it!
See the new employee, I remember when I came to the company is like this, or very nostalgia. Lunch time, hurry to dinner, take a nap, there are a lot of things to do in the afternoon, come on!追问能不能把那些名词性从句,定语从句,感叹句,宾语从句,主语从句,形式主语标出来


译文:It's a very simple name that means I hope I don't flinch. My hobbies are writing, hand-drawing, reading novels and watching American TV series or horror movies. As for how to spend my college life, At the present stage, I mainly want to improve my Eng...


语法: Most young adults won't achieve the idealistic goals theyve set for themselves (这句子是主谓宾,goal是宾语,后面的是用作修饰宾语的句子,宾语从句)We all have a circle of people whose lives we can touch and improve, and we can find our meaning in that. whose指代前面的pe...

哪位英语大佬,翻译一下这段话。尽可能用下面的词组。 (不要机翻)电影...

We'd better schedule the movie for next week again.


翻译好像出问题了I still mean something to you. 指我依然对你有意思。有些弄反的样子。you still mean something to me.才是你依然对我有意思。如果你后文是第一个意思的话,前面用myself就可以了。第二个意思就用with和you。


information showing that the package has been lost.This is the first time I shop on the website. So could you tell me how to do this and how to complete the refund? Help me, please.Thank you very much! My logistics order number and logistics information is followed:

各位大佬们,我急求一篇英语作文,题目《我的朋友》(要有翻译) 多谢!

中文:我有一个好朋友,她的名字叫琳琳,一个10岁的有点内向的女孩,她是我的同班同学,她的爱好是看书,最喜欢吃的零食是巧克力 英文翻译:I have a good friend, her name is Linlin, a 10-year-old introverted girl, she is my classmate, her hobby is reading, the favorite snack is ...

英语短文 急!!!介绍从家到学校的路线。

side of this street,it will take you right there.翻译:这是我的家。沿着这条街走,在第一个十字路口向左拐。一直走,直到你右边看到一个大马路,然后向右拐,一直走,你会发现学校就在你前面。步行大约25分钟。你不会错过的。你也可以在这条街的另一边乘3路公共汽车,它会把你送到那里。

求大佬帮忙翻译成英文!! 虽然你呆呆傻傻的但是我想和你走一辈子

可以这样说:Although you are nerdy and foolish,I still want to walk with you all my life.这一次只能帮到这了,以后就要靠自己啦,朋友。不断提升能力和成长自己才是正道,加油!


参考英语译文 Time flies so fast, a few days of travel, in a twinkling of an eye in our laughter and laughter. I am very glad to be able to serve you during these days of travel. In these days of service, maybe I have done a lot of bad things, here also please ...


Call on the international community: Save children who are in war countries! Stop endless wars! For the sake of peace and for the sake of humanity, even weaker and innocent children, the whole world should act together to maintain peace and stop the war. Give those children a ...

怎么把一段话翻译成英文 把这段话翻译成英文 一句话英文翻译 怎么翻译一段英文 中文翻译成英文怎么写 我怎么翻译成英文 英语短文怎么翻译中文 英文短文翻译器 英文翻译成汉语
为什么我更新了win7QQ拼音在游戏上(剑侠情缘2)不能打字?打出来的都是... 游漓江的船票在哪里买最方便?如何去 因为我想看剑侠情缘,又不想下载什么PPS啊,QQ直播之类软件, 最好是类似... ...两部手机下载相同的手游剑侠情缘却是不一样的都是在QQ上下载的 教子小书坊:一位外交官父亲给孩子的家书图书信息 教子小书坊:一位外交官父亲给孩子的家书内容简介 高二孩子和家长逆反如何教育 高二孩子和家长逆反怎么办 叛逆期孩子怎么教育沟通叛逆期孩子如何教育沟通 请问用otg连接鼠标和键盘后怎么玩手机上的全民枪战,求教程。带图的给... 去邮局寄包裹的步骤是怎么样?我没去做.不好意思问下大家 excel筛选为什么会很慢? 我的五菱之光早上猛踩油门排气管冒出蓝烟,要是不踩油门没有蓝烟,是什... 06年五菱之光。行驶9万公里,早上冷车发动时一分钟左右排气管开始冒蓝... 我的五菱之光天热了早上或下午冷启动冒蓝烟,过一会就好了,在路上也... 我的五菱之光早上猛踩油门排气管冒出蓝烟,在猛踩油门就冒出白烟,热车什... 我的车是五菱之光 每天早上发动机器排气管冒蓝烟 但是等车跑一段路 ... 我的车是五菱之光 每天早上发动机器排气管冒蓝烟 但是车热之后就没... 断奶到底能不能吸出来 长春招商学府1872绿化率是多少? 煦暖的含义是什么 煦暖的意思是什么 急!谁能帮我翻译下面一段话,中文翻译为英文! 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文?谢谢! 请帮我把这段话翻译成英文 急用 谢谢 下面一段话谁能帮我翻译成英文 帮我将一段话翻译成英文。有分! 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文,急!!! 谁帮我把一段话(翻译成英文),越快越好~~!!! ...刷招行信用卡买联通合约机iphone5s 要想分期购买的话怎么办_百度知... 我想买一台联通的IPHONE5S 请问可以按揭么 麻烦大家帮我把下面一段话翻译成英语,谢谢咯 谁帮我把下面的段话翻译成 英语 谢谢 如何保存活虾到第二天呢? 电影院里有30排座位,后一排比前一排多2个座位,最后一排有90个座位,问... 河南、太原飞往广州的打折机票应该怎么买 2020独特的id有哪些? 2020独特的id注册推荐 2020独特的id 2020id名字大全 2020独特的,比较独特的id大全 二年级下册语文学习要点是什么? 7个月宝宝身高体重标准表2020 怎样选择移动的APN接入点。 10.05大写金额怎么写 我的孩子今年7岁,性格就像牛一样。抽一鞭子走一步。自己的事从不自己... 我的孩子七岁了,不喜欢收拾东西,比如说不收拾玩具,上厕所不冲水_百度知 ... 我家孩子7岁 自尊心太强 无论什么事情都想争第一 我想问 这样的孩子我... 冬天给孩子买保暖鞋要注意什么 爱在期待翻唱哪首歌 帮忙用英语翻译一段话啊!!急用!!