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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-21 19:57



热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 13:50

His friend left Beijing for New York on a windy morning.
I wondered why he didn't come to the birthday party.
It is the boy who we talked about yesterday.[用强调句型]
It was in Suzhou that held the 23rd World Heritage Exposition.
He didn't invite me to his birthday party,which hurt my feelings.
His brother-in-law has been in Germany for four years.
It is the cassette that he is looking for.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 13:50

1. His friends left Beijing for New York in a windy morning .
2. I don't know why he didn't join the birthday party.
3. That's the boy whom we talked about yesterday.
4. It is in Suzhou where the World Legacy Meeting was held.
5. He didn't invite me to his birthday party,which hurt me so bad.
6. His brother-in-law has been in Germany for 4 years.
7. That's the tape which he is looking for.
很多句子都是宾语从句,定语从句的用法。 主要要注意一下从句中的语序要用陈述句语序。

热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 13:51

His friends left Beijing for New York in a windy morning
I do not know why he did not take part in the my birthday party
This is the boy who we talked about yesterday
It is in Suzhou which held the 23rd session of the World Heritage Conference
He did not invite me to participate in his birthday party, which hurt my feelings a lot
His brother-in-law has been in Germany for four years
This is the tape which he was looking for

热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 13:51

1. His friends in a windy morning left Beijing for New York.
2.I do not know why he did not take part in the evening birthday Council.
3. This is what we talked about yesterday that the boys.
4. in the 23rd session of the World Heritage Conference held in Suzhou
5. He has not invited me to participate in the birthday celebrations. This has hurt my feelings. 6. His brother-in-law went to Germany to have another four years. This is what he had to find the tapes
7. This is what he had to find the tape.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 13:52

1.His friend left Beijing for New York on a windy morning.
2.I don't know why he didn't join the birthday party.
3.This boy is who we talked about yesterday.
4.It is in Suzhou where the World Legacy Meeting held.
5.He didn't invite me to his birthday party,which hurt me badly.
6.His brother-in-law has been in Germany for 4 years.
8.It is the very magnetic tape which he looked for!
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