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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-14 01:52



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 13:40

"The book of songs" in the "Guanju" is the praise of Zhou Wen Princess Taisi virtue."Wind" is the first poem, is Zhou Wenwang launched the weathering world from his wife, set between a couple of virtue. I use it to ecate people, use it to ecation ministers. "The wind" is a ballad, with the role of ecation; impress them with songs, they use the ecation transformation.Poetry is to express thoughts, feelings. The thoughts and feelings of the people in the heart is Zhi, express language is poetry. Emotions is to use language to express in the heart, language is not the performance of the sense of a chinese. Such as exclamation also discomfort to express, imperceptibly will dance with joy to the performance.
Use sound to express feelings, sound becomes the palace quotient of the music, is known as the music. Taiping society peaceful happy music, politics and social chaos; angry, politics is not normal; the subjugation of the music sorrow ponder, people.. So, on the world of gains and losses, moved heaven and earth spirits, there is no more effective than poetry. Chen Xian Wang poetry standard couple principle, honor their parents, respect elders form the atmosphere, enhance the ethical and moral cultivation, to ecate customs changed to good direction.
So, "the book of songs" has six basic contents. The wind, Fu, than, Xing, ya, song. The upper rulers used "wind" civilizing the lower people, people with a "wind" criticism of the rulers. With the polite words advocate, tactful way of advice, if the innocent, but the foot ring, so called "wind". The way to decline, ritual and lax, religion, national political chaos, family climate deterioration, variable wind, ya (enlightenment, wind beauty effect, changes of assassination, the wind became lust, and become resentful.) It happened. (the real social decline in poetry history.) can be seen clearly political gain and loss of the signs from poetry, sigh Jun jun-chen-chen father and son relationship crisis, decline of tyranny brought the people suffering the pain. To express thoughts and feelings, with the "wind" expostulation rulers, the rulers of Tongda incident, Miss Wang, excellent atmosphere. So, variable wind from the emotional, with propriety and control. Use poetry to express temperament is people's nature, with is to King of traditional etiquette control.
Therefore, the poet through poetry to express his inner feelings, but can represent a country people's heart, this kind of poetry called "wind". The poet summary world wish performance from all sides, fashion, this poem called "Ya". "Ya" is the kingly way politics inclination of Yu Zheng is singing, singing the political prosperity, abandoned reason poetry. The size of the emperor's affairs, therefore, there is great, lesser. "Song" is the praise of the emperor Sheng De and performance, the success of news report to the gods.
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