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The Game的《Lax Files》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-17 20:59



热心网友 时间:2024-01-22 03:08

歌曲名:Lax Files
歌手:The Game

The Game - LAX Files
Put your lighters Up if You want too
Pull your mother*en dodger cap
Over your mother *en eyes so you can't see shit
I want you to go blind nigga
so you could feel how I felt
when I was in that mother *en coma
Placed in a city of angels
Where safe and danger switch lanes
So stranger drive slow (drive slow)
Where bangers and gangstas fast women
and cut jus part of a face
That we show we got mountains and oceans
We move in slow motion off that sticky you offered to blow
I swear ain't nothing better than that's y we on
take off our hats to you for 1 more
Come to my hood (hood)
Look at my block (block)
That's that project building
Yeah that's where I got shot (shot)
Cause I was more hood than suge
Had more rocks than jay had more scars t
han the orginal scarface or the homeboy scarface
Al pachino couldn't be no gangsta
Dinerio in casino he no gangsta
Wanna be wanna see wanna get shovel dig
Tookie up nigga cause he no gangstas
Niggas think cause they Menace a couple times
Seen cube and boyz in the hood and press rewind
That you could survive when a real crip run up on ya
and gone flex the nine
You must be out of your mind
A real blood will but you out of your mind
So stay the * up outta my hood
Or my niggas take you up outta your shine
It ain't a movie dawg
Hell ya it's a real *en ouzie dawg
I'm bout to hop inside my impala try to keep up
Don't lose my ya'll
Placed in a city of angels
Where safe and danger switch lanes
So stranger drive slow (drive slow)
Where bangers and gangstas fast women
and cut jus part of a face
That we show we got mountains and oceans
We move in slow motion off that sticky you offered to blow
I swear ain't nothing better than that's y we on
take off our hats to you for 1 more
I know the real O Dog
And that nigga know the real Game
I call him the rinse tape and he never been in no game
But he been in my house (house)
And he settled my couch (couch)
Well I put 1 in the air so yeah that nigga no what I'm bout (bout)
I'm bout my hood I'm bout my block I'm bout my chips
So if the rap money stop
And I punch a clock catch you slippin at a light (get out your shit)
We jack niggas outta towners and rap niggas and ball playas
Cause we ball playa
We chop it up with them trap niggas
We outkast we big boys ludacris with them big toys
Where I'm from it's only 2 things standing on the corner
Me and that liqior store
Look what the bloods did to weezy look what the crips did to jeezy
This gang bangin shit
Ain't nothing to play with
Me and Snoop Dogg just made it look easy
Placed in a city of angels
Where safe and danger switch lanes
So stranger drive slow (drive slow)
Where bangers and gangstas fast women
and cut jus part of a face
That we show we got mountains and oceans
We move in slow motion off that sticky you offered to blow
I swear ain't nothing better than that's y we on
take off our hats to you for 1 more
Ya'll niggas got this LA shit real *ed up man
niggas better start respecting what the * we about man
we take niggas the * out this shit ain't no movie dog
this shit is real crips bloods ese's
we hold shit down this LA
wrote this shit on my face put a mother*en star behind
it what the * I am star face
LA Chronicle LAX files case closed

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