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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-18 12:49



热心网友 时间:2024-07-06 15:11

1、I’m looking ___A___clothes ______ my daughter. A. for, for B. at, at C. of, for D. in, for

2、Can I help you? __A__. Do you have a yellow skirt?

A. Yes, pleaseB. No, please C. No, I’m notD. Sorry, I don’t know.

3、—___B___is it? —It's 20 yuan.A. How many B. How much C. How about D. What about

4、These clothes are__A____ sale. A. on B. at C. of D. in

5、 I want___D___ eggs, please.A. two kilos B. half a kilo C. two kilo of D. half a kilo of

6、Don’t worry. We have___A___ water in the glass. A. a little B. many C. few D. a few

7、___B___ water do you want to drink?A. How many B. How much C. How about D. What about

8、We don’t have any food __C____ dinner. A. on B. at C. for D. in

9、Please ___A___, Tom! It’s your book.A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick up them D. pick them up

10、They’re out ___D___ milk. They must go to buy it. A. on B. at C. for D. of

11、—__B___girl is Lily? — The one in the yellow hat.A. Who B. Which C. Where D. What

12、He is short ___B_____ short hair.A. in B. with C. from D. and

13、—Is this a TV or a computer? —____D________.A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it’s D. It’s a TV.

14、Are you a doctor or a nurse? ____Neither_______.I’m a worker.B.I’m a teacher.C.Yes, I am.D.I’m a doctor.

15、—What color is it? —It’s __C___red. It’s____ red skirt. A. /, / B a, a C. / , a D. a, /

16、This is Wei Hua’s dress. ___A___ , please. A. give it to herB. give them to herC. give it hereD. give here it.

17、___C___ is _______.A. Orange, orangeB. Orange, an orangeC. An orange, orangeD. An orange, an orange

18、— ___C__ that car ? —It’s black.A. Which color B. How color C. What color D. What’s color

19、This computer is Mike’s . Which ___C___is your computer? A. a B. anC. one D. ones

20、I think Mary’s coats are green. Color ___D_____ please.A. green it B. green themC. it greenD. them green

21、— Is this pen his or hers? — ____C____.A. Yes, it’s hers B. No, it’s hisC. It’s his

22、— ___B___ is this pencil? — It’s brown.A. WhatB. What colorC. Whose

23、The woman ____C___ white hair is very old. A. has B. haveC. with

24、— Are those your pants? — No, ___C____.A. it is hers B. they are mineC. they are his

25、This is a very big room (房间). Yes. It’s __B__ room.A. Jim and TomB. Jim and Tom’sC. Jim’s and Tom’s

26、What does his father look like? He’s ___C___ old ______ long hair.A. an; withB. /; hasC. /; with

27、— Can you help Kate ___A___ her toy? — Sure (当然).A. find B. findsC. see

28、— ____C___ pants are those? — They are Bob’s.A. Who B. WhichC. Whose

29、— You look very nice in the red skirt. — ___B______.A. No, I’m not niceB. Thank you C. That’s OK

30、— __C___ coat do you like? — I like the green _______.A. What; onesB. Which; onesC. Which; one
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