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急!!求篇高中英语作文,题目how to live happy and healthy life

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 09:36



热心网友 时间:2024-02-22 20:55

Every one dreams to live happily.But different peoples have different opinions about happiness.How to live a happy life?It's the same to everyboday.First,you need to eat a balanced diet and do exercises more than three times a week.It can help you keep healthy.Second,you will feel happily when you share nice things with each other and help somebody out.It also can let you make more friends.If you are energy enough,you can be a volunteer.It must be nice and unforgettable.Last,having a nice dream and work hard for it is important,too.
Don't stressed out or be under pressure.It'll make you have a bad mood.

How to Stay Happy

As we all know, we live in a sociaty where the economy is highly developed, but modern life is more and more filled with stress and competitions. So more and more people feel oppressed and upset. If this situation goes on, it will do great harm to health. Therefore, we should stay happy in order to keep healthy.
How to stay happy, you may ask? First, the stress and competitions are unavoidable, so we should face them with a calm mind, and deal with them properly. Second, if we develope wider hobbies, we can have more joys in our free time. There are many healthy hobbies like doing exercise, reading, stamp collection and so on.
No matter what method do you use to stay happy, the most important point is to keep a happy heart and a optimistic attitude towards your life!

As the result of the increasing birth control usage and the improvement in medical care, China becomes an aging society and that is posing a social problem. For example, there is no enough equipment for the elderly and many old people live lonely. It seems that they are forgotten by the society.

To solve the problem, in my opinion, all people should help. Families should make time to visit aging people at times. The more time they can spend with them the better. The community should organize more activities to improve the physical and psychological health of older people. Let them feel they are useful and needed in society. The government should come up with ideas to improve the situation. For instance, more old folks’ homes where the aged can live happily should be built.

In a world where the number of old people is increasing, we need as much understanding and tolerance as possible. Luckily, more attention has been paid to the problem. Perhaps getting old won’t be such a depressing thing after all.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-22 20:55

Eat well, sleep well, so that you can pig long National Cheng Kung University. Believe me, yes, filling it! Hard to eat! Eat. Not people like to eat into!

热心网友 时间:2024-02-22 20:55

Every one dreams to live happily.But different peoples have different opinions about happiness.How to live a happy life?It's the same to everyboday.First,you need to eat a balanced diet and do exercises more than three times a week.It can help you keep healthy.Second,you will feel happily when you share nice things with each other and help somebody out.It also can let you make more friends.If you are energy enough,you can be a volunteer.It must be nice and unforgettable.Last,having a nice dream and work hard for it is important,too.
Don't stressed out or be under pressure.It'll make you have a bad mood.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-22 20:56


热心网友 时间:2024-02-22 20:57

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