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Break The Spell 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-23 04:19



热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 04:23

歌曲名:Break The Spell
专辑:Steel Wheels

All Mankind - break the spell
by happy63101 @ hkdiscuss
In the long, hidden past
Was a world just like ours
Once beautiful, but every flower dies
In the soul of the men
Was a heart, brave and red
But cursed hearts can grow an ugly side
But I got you
You got me
Got a chance
I believe
If love will come and break the spell tonight
Only love survives, only love survives
In the land, cold and wet
Is a hope, and a threat
came crawling through the cover of the night
In the fear of defeat
Is a chance I believe
To return to who we once were meant to be
But I got you
You got me
Got a chance
I believe
If love will come and break the spell tonight
I got hope
There's a way
We can make it one more day
If love will come and break the spell tonight
But I got you
You got me
Got a chance
I believe
If love will come and break the spell tonight
I got hope
There's a way
We can make it one more day
If love will come and break the spell
love will come and break the spell tonight
Only love survives, only love survives

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