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升职了!感谢老板的thanks letter怎么写更好一点?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 07:29



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 19:31

Dear Mr.或 Ms. (上司的姓):

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this recent promotion to manager. It’s an incredible opportunity; one that I have worked toward and desired for some time.

Your willingness to go to bat for me with upper management means a great deal to me. I highly value your trust, and will work hard to keep it.

Your direction and advice have been extremely beneficial to me. You have helped me to build upon my professional strengths, and to increase my efficiency in weaker areas.

Thanks again, for all of your help. I am truly grateful for your support.



样版 是找来的~ 还有~恭喜恭喜~!


热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 19:31

thank you for your trust - 谢谢您的信任
thank you for the opportunity - 谢谢您给我机会
thank you for appreciating what i did - 谢谢您对我工作的赏识

i will work even harder - 我会更加努力
i will put in extra effort -

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 19:31


热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 19:31

Dear Mr.或 Ms. (上司的姓):

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this recent promotion to manager. It’s an incredible opportunity; one that I have worked toward and desired for some time.

Your willingness to go to bat for me with upper management means a great deal to me. I highly value your trust, and will work hard to keep it.

Your direction and advice have been extremely beneficial to me. You have helped me to build upon my professional strengths, and to increase my efficiency in weaker areas.

Thanks again, for all of your help. I am truly grateful for your support.



样版 是找来的~ 还有~恭喜恭喜~!


热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 19:31

thank you for your trust - 谢谢您的信任
thank you for the opportunity - 谢谢您给我机会
thank you for appreciating what i did - 谢谢您对我工作的赏识

i will work even harder - 我会更加努力
i will put in extra effort -

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 19:32

高伟光主演的电视剧 演讲一个身边的人物时用什么背景音乐好 光疗甲防翘是哪一步 做光疗甲牢固的诀窍 跆拳道品势目录 王者荣耀铭文掉落怎么获得 王者荣耀背包里的铭文怎么清理-背包里的铭文清理方法介绍 玻尿酸隆鼻能保持多久,假体好还是玻尿酸好'假体是用几年必须换的吗... 玻尿酸隆鼻和假体隆鼻该怎么选择? 万夫莫敌香港电影 中碎屑岩——砂岩 我想发求升职邮件,大家有什么要说的吗 什么是第三系红色沉积岩 如何回复老板升职的邮件 石漠化和红漠化的区别 收到老板的给自己的升职邮件,怎么用英语回复表示感谢? KK花花:如何优雅回复英文邮件,让老板升职加薪 火焰山的真面目 数字音频处理器和数字音频媒体矩阵的区别?百科上面复制概念的同志请绕行 客人发来邮件,告知公司职位调整。 我该如何回复 写给领导的一封信,我想升职这样的信该怎么写 矩阵接音频处理器是用vga还是hdmi 赤铁矿的特点 给我个升职申请范文! 什么叫矩阵式麦克风 ? 像红沙子聚在一起的石头是什么石头? 音频矩阵主要靠什么方式控制? 刚收到公司通知升职的邮件了,要怎么回复啊,各位大虾帮帮忙,写点具体的啊 石窟的用途是什么 MU30红砂岩砌块尺寸 天斧沙宫有个封闭的洞口是干什么的? 刚收到公司升职的邮件,现在需要给老板的老板和人事回复一封英文邮件,麻烦英语达人帮忙给个参考,多谢 五岳各个山的岩石类型 写好工作邮件有哪些技巧? 褐红色泥质砂岩与褐红色页岩区别 赤水丹霞的介绍 职员晋升报告怎么写? 怎么写推荐下属升职书懂的帮帮忙 想升职,一般有什么方法? 上司宣布升职我该怎么感谢 升职了怎么感谢领导的提拔?写个感谢信,具体的 请教:下颏(下巴)前移固定用钢丝还是用钛板呢? 下巴太短,自己可以挺下巴让下巴变长吗? 如何把手机的耳机收声部位固定在下巴处? 假体隆下巴后六天可以取固定带吗?可以自己取不?非要我七天取!都已经松了,固定还有用? 垫下巴的操作过程 怎么把下巴弄更长一点? 下巴太短了,又不想做手术,有什么方法可以让下巴变长吗? 如何让嗓门变好 狗狗下巴骨折怎么办?要如何固定