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Stars In The Sky 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 14:26



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 16:09

歌曲名:Stars In The Sky
专辑:Eternity - The Best Of Syntec

Kari Jobe - Stars In the Sky
QQ : 349777127
Take the sun
Take the moon
Take the earth and watch it move
Under Your control
Cause You're all I know
Here's my life and all my heart
I give it all but every part
Is under Your control
Lord You're all I know
The stars in the sky will hang there
'til You tell them to
The faith in my heart will still sing
Of what Your love can do
And even when life weighs heavy on me
I know You're in control
And You're all I need
The stars in the sky will hang there
'til You tell them to
Take the sea
Take the tide
Take the waters watch them rise
Giving praise to You
Always praising You
Here's my voice
And all my soul
Singing freely when
Lord, I'm giving praise to You
Lord I'm praising You
The stars in the sky will hang there
'til You tell them to
The faith in my heart will still sing
Of what Your love can do
And even when life weighs heavy on me
I know You're in control
And You're all I need
The stars in the sky will hang there
'til You tell them to
The clouds will rain
The seasons change
(Cause You told them to)
The sun will shine
Your burning light
(Cause You told it to)
When You speak your words through my soul
So I know it's true
You're in control
In control
In control
The stars in the sky will hang there
The faith in my heart will still sing
The stars in the sky will hang there
'til You tell them to
The faith in my heart will still sing
Of what Your love can do
And even when life weighs heavy on me
I know You're in control
And You're all I need
The stars in the sky will hang there
The stars in the sky will hang there
Kari Jobe - Stars In the Sky
QQ : 349777127

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