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A letter to grandparents_给祖父母的信作文200字

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-31 20:58



热心网友 时间:2024-02-13 07:35

Dear grandparents,

How is it going?Do you miss me?i miss you so much,and i am so glad to write this letter to you,i want to introce my life. In england,i used to talk with you all the time,but in bejing,my parents are so busy,nobody can talk with,i feel so loney,and when that time,i always miss you so much,i want to go .home.And my breakfast also changed,i used to eat bread and drink milk,but now i use to eating noodles and eggs,and to my surprise,i become stronger i am so happy.And i used to like another sport didn't like ball games,but now,i am so good at playing basketball,and i think it is a good way to exercise,i often play it with my new friends,when we play it,we become so excited,and i really like my friemds,they are all friendly,and any way,i chang so many,so,i wait your letter.


Sen Guo

热心网友 时间:2024-02-13 07:35

Dear grandparents,

How is it going?Do you miss me?i miss you so much,and i am so glad to write this letter to you,i want to introce my life. In england,i used to talk with you all the time,but in bejing,my parents are so busy,nobody can talk with,i feel so loney,and when that time,i always miss you so much,i want to go .home.And my breakfast also changed,i used to eat bread and drink milk,but now i use to eating noodles and eggs,and to my surprise,i become stronger i am so happy.And i used to like another sport didn't like ball games,but now,i am so good at playing basketball,and i think it is a good way to exercise,i often play it with my new friends,when we play it,we become so excited,and i really like my friemds,they are all friendly,and any way,i chang so many,so,i wait your letter.


Sen Guo

热心网友 时间:2024-02-13 07:35

Dear grandparents,

How is it going?Do you miss me?i miss you so much,and i am so glad to write this letter to you,i want to introce my life. In england,i used to talk with you all the time,but in bejing,my parents are so busy,nobody can talk with,i feel so loney,and when that time,i always miss you so much,i want to go .home.And my breakfast also changed,i used to eat bread and drink milk,but now i use to eating noodles and eggs,and to my surprise,i become stronger i am so happy.And i used to like another sport didn't like ball games,but now,i am so good at playing basketball,and i think it is a good way to exercise,i often play it with my new friends,when we play it,we become so excited,and i really like my friemds,they are all friendly,and any way,i chang so many,so,i wait your letter.


Sen Guo
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