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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 03:24



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 15:40

摘要您好,很荣幸为您服务,以下是我对您的问题的解答,希望对您有所帮助哦!1、what do you have to do with that gril who looks like me?这句话的意思为:你跟那个长得像我的女孩有什么关系?咨询记录 · 回答于2021-10-15whatdoyouhavetodowiththatgrilwholookslikeme什么您好,很荣幸为您服务,以下是我对您的问题的解答,希望对您有所帮助哦!1、what do you have to do with that gril who looks like me?这句话的意思为:你跟那个长得像我的女孩有什么关系?

She thought of silent antechambers hung with Oriental tapestry, illumined by tall bronze candelabra, and of two great footmen in knee breeches who sleep in the big armchairs, made drowsy by the oppressive heat of the stove. She thought of long reception halls hung with ancient silk, of the ...

You rock my world ---Aaron 歌词!!

Someone like you to call mine In time I knew that love would bring Such happiness to me I try to keep my sanity I've waited patiently Girl, you know it seems My life is so complete Our love is true because of you You doing what you do Think that I Finally found the p...

跪求《Baby》《You belong with me》和《素颜》英文版三首歌的歌词...

Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you care 我知道你爱我 我知道你在意的You shout whenever, And I'll be there 无论何时 只要你呼叫 我就会(出现)在那里You want my love, You want my heart (我感觉)你想要我的爱和我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 我们...

能否各位英文高人替小的翻译一下这些对话!!!<(_ _)>感谢!

what do you think you're doing.what do i think i'm doing?huuuh`?i did it without thinking``我在她睡觉的时候吻了她,而她狠狠的给了我一个耳光。“你以为你在干什么?”“我以为我在干什么?恩?我根本想也没想就做了。”don't give me that crap!idiot!别跟我说这些废话!白痴!

what do you like的意思是什么?

意思是您想要什么。用法:“What would you like to …? (你想要…?)”是用来询问对方的意愿,因为疑问词是what,所以所问和所答的主语一定是人、事件、时间、地点、物中的“事件”、“物”两项。“What would you like to …? (你想要…?)”是用来询问对方的意愿,因为疑问词是what,所以所问...

求英语作文,以How do you go to park 为主题

it. The story was about a girl who fall in love with the man she meet in the rain. It was so sad and touching that made me cried 3 times. Which is why i have decided to write and suggest this book to her, cant wait to see if she like this book or not.求采纳 ...

帮忙做几道英语题~~1 . Will you please show me the girl...

3 . Will you please show me the girl ___whose___ name is Wei Fang. ( 1 )分 1.her 2.who's 3.whose 4.which 2 . Do you know the student __3___? ( 1 )分 1.whom I often talk 2.with whom I often talk 3.I often talk with 4.that I often talk 3 . The w...

you are the prince yi ,who broke the prince royal

Devil: The Prince who likes to poke his nose in others' business, I am the handsome, attractive Devil Kind, and your future father-in-law. Looks like you have already met my daughter.女王:(突然醒来)什么!你就是亲家!天啊!(两眼一翻,又晕了)Queen: (suddenly wakes) What?! You are my ...


Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattan’s elites. And who am I? That’s a secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。 嘿,上东区的贵族们,绯闻少女在此,我是你们唯一得到曼哈顿精英们...

usher歌词1.U got it bad 2.You remind me 3.Yeah 4.Burn 5.Confessions...

Everything that used to matter, don't matter no more Like my money, all my cars (You can have it all back) Flowers, cards and candy (I do it just cause I'm...) Said I'm fortunate to have you girl I want you to know I really adore you All my people who know what's going...

who looks after it is looks nice looks是什么意思中文 who youare who looks todo什么 think todo who todo feel todo
现代家庭健康饮食宝典目录 食疗炸菜商品描述 家常菜烹饪宝典内容简介 ...啊?是一幅他特别喜欢的图片,他曾经还求我画一张,当 ...4年老桩砍头了没留叶子,这杆子还能爆侧芽小仔吗?这杆子生长点在哪里... 家庭食疗宝典软件介绍 有个女生同学下周过生日告诉我让我送她生日礼物。我问他他要什么他说... 我有一个女同学生日,我XH她,她叫我送她一张贺卡,内容怎么写 魅族手机下载那种视频播放器可以小屏播放 一个蛮好的女同学要过生日,不知道送生日报怎么样。。有网友送过没,他们... 手机维修了三次未修好,请问是否可以要求换新机? havetodowith与havesomethingtodowith有什么区别 维修手机简单还是维修电脑简单? 苹果手机拿去售后服务部维修一般要多久 have to do with与have something to do with有什么区别? have to do with和about有什么不一样? 修手机去哪家在线维修手机电脑的平台? havesomething to do wit与havetodowith区别 制冷设备维修专业好吗 have sth to do with是什么意思? 陕西四通搬家有限公司怎么样? have to do with和have something to do with有什么区别 have to do with与have something to do with有什么区别 安卓壁纸怎么设置锁屏壁纸每次都更新 华为p30pro拿去维修很长时间修好 怎么查是不是自己原来的机子呢? havetodowith意思是什么? 安卓壁纸下载好后,为什么都设置成功了。显示也正常,就是不管打开什么应用上面都会出现一个“蛋”的样子 安卓壁纸下载好的壁纸只要后台一关闭壁纸就没有了 搞手机维修风险很大吗?比如说很容易把本来好的机子修坏之类的。 安卓壁纸如何设置 手机维修店用的电脑都是啥系统啥配置 手机维修店怎么修手机无法开机,无法连接电脑,无法开启recovery的, 手机店能维修电脑吗? have nothing to do with是什么意思 如何查自己最近几个月的股票账户累计交易量? have to do with和have something to do with有区别吗 华为p40为什么一直亮 我做的凉皮拌好有30分钟以后为什么就碎了,请指教 桂林五月份的水果哪些最好吃 请问广西桂林地区出产荔枝、香蕉、菠萝、芒果、龙眼等(亚)热带水果吗? 桂林有什么当季的水果 OPPO最便宜的手机是什么型号啊,多少钱? oppo手机最便宜的是什么型号?大概多少钱?质量怎么样?支持的软件版本高吗? 桂林当季的水果有那些呀 oppo现在最便宜的手机是哪个型号,多少钱? oppo手机什么型号即便宜功能又多,外观又好? OPPO最便宜的多少钱? 古装剧中有哪些奇葩头饰? oppo哪款型号的手机又好看又实惠又功能多? 墨玉县"12·14"暴力恐怖杀人案