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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 02:29



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 00:14

My teacher ,this is Tom and this is Tony. They are my best friends and we often play with each other. Tom is 13 years old. We're the same age. He likes drawing. I like drawing, too. He draws beautifully. We often draw together.
Tony always smiles because he likes smiling. In the morning, he smiles to everybody and everyone feels warm. He often says smiling is the bridge to the friendship. I think he is polite.
He is helpful, too and often helps me with my lessons. We usually learn from each other.
Both of them love eating chips, sothey are not very fit. But they plan to change now. Good luck their new lifestyle.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 00:15

I will introce my two best friends Tom and Tony to you respectively. First, Tom likes travelling, and he has been to Singapore. Also, he finished reading five English books, but he hasn't finished reading Treasure Island. He wishes that he can write a book with English in the future. Then, another best friend is Tony. He likes climbing mountains, and he has climbed mountains ten times. He also likes reading. He has read Journey to the west twice already. Same as Tom, Tony want to use English to write a book, too. Tony’s regret is that he is never been to the beach, he hope that he can go there one day. 楼上那个内容根本不符 别骗人了追答113字 刚写完

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