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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-02 23:29



热心网友 时间:2024-07-27 08:15

英文:Ultrasonic method synthesis neper Jin Yi e ster experimental research (chongqing thr ee gorges college ring department of che mical engineering and technology (fine) pr ofessional level 2009, wanzhou chongqing 404000) 【 abstract 】 this paper neper g olden ester synthesis method in recent ye ars are reviewed, mainly studied under ul trasonic radiation, with p-hydroxy benzoic acid and p-toluene sulfonic acid as catalys t and ethanol as raw materials of syntheti c p-hydroxy benzoic acid ethyl ester. At th e same time, the factors affecting the yiel d of was investigated, and the parallel tes t and orthogonal test to determine the be st conditions: ultrasonic power 100 w, ultr asonic 74 ~ 80 ℃, temperature, ultrasonic time is 80 min, the molar ratio of ethanol and p-hydroxy benzoic acid as the earth, 9% of the total quality of catalyst for alkyd , production rate can reach 82.63%. Produ cts by Fourier infrared spectrometer and melting point instrument, confirmed with t he target product. 【 key words 】 neper J in Yi ester p-toluene sulfonic acid method of ultrasonic esterification reaction.(中文:超声法合成尼泊金乙酯实验研究

(重庆三峡学院 化环系 化学工程与工艺(精细)专业2009级,重庆 万州 404000)
【摘要】 本文对近年来尼泊金酯的合成方法进行了评述,主要研究了在超声波辐射下,以对羟基苯甲酸和乙醇为原料对甲苯磺酸为催化剂,合成对羟基苯甲酸乙酯。同时对影响产率的诸因素进行了考察,经平行试验、正交试验确定最佳条件:超声功率100W,超声温度74~80℃,,超声时间80min,乙醇与对羟基苯甲酸的摩尔比为11:1,催化剂用量为醇酸总质量的9%,产率可达82.63%。产品经傅立叶红外光谱仪及熔点仪表征,证实与目标产物完全一致。

【关键字】尼泊金乙酯 对甲苯磺酸 超声法 酯化反应。)[以上是我为您翻译的,有什么问题请追问,如果满意请点采纳按钮。谢谢,希望对你有所帮助。]

热心网友 时间:2024-07-27 08:17

Chongqing Three Gorges University of the Department of chemical engineering and Technology (fine) professional 2009, Chongqing Wanzhou 404000) [Abstract] this paper reviewed the recent methods for the synthesis of Nipagin Esters, mainly studied under ultrasonic radiation, p-hydroxy benzoic acid and ethanol as raw material using p-toluene sulfonic acid as catalyst, synthesis of ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate. At the same time, various factors affecting the yield were studied, by parallel test, orthogonal test to determine the optimum conditions: ultrasonic power 100W, extraction temperature 74 ~ 80 ℃, time 80min, ultrasonic, ethanol and p-hydroxybenzoic acid molar ratio was 11:1, the dosage of catalyst is 9% of the total weight of alcohol, the yield is 82.63%. Products by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and melting point instrument syndrome, confirmed with the target product completely consistent.
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