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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 14:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 09:09

是岩井俊二的电影原声 叫《forever friend》
下载地址 :http://images.e-e.com.cn/audio/eng/forfriends.mp3

歌词:Forever Friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I'll be near you

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I'll be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
Some day we'll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
we'll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I will believe you
When the river flows
Off to part us both
Only HEAVEN knows
I will be a boat to sail arround you
Melody never say good-bye
I will be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
One day we'll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands
till the river ends……

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 09:10

REMEDIOS---forever friends
http://intranet.bkkss.e.hk/it- ... Forever.Friends.wma

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 09:09

是岩井俊二的电影原声 叫《forever friend》
下载地址 :http://images.e-e.com.cn/audio/eng/forfriends.mp3

歌词:Forever Friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I'll be near you

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I'll be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
Some day we'll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
we'll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I will believe you
When the river flows
Off to part us both
Only HEAVEN knows
I will be a boat to sail arround you
Melody never say good-bye
I will be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
One day we'll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands
till the river ends……

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 09:10

REMEDIOS---forever friends
http://intranet.bkkss.e.hk/it- ... Forever.Friends.wma

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 09:09

是岩井俊二的电影原声 叫《forever friend》
下载地址 :http://images.e-e.com.cn/audio/eng/forfriends.mp3

歌词:Forever Friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I'll be near you

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I'll be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
Some day we'll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
we'll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I will believe you
When the river flows
Off to part us both
Only HEAVEN knows
I will be a boat to sail arround you
Melody never say good-bye
I will be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
One day we'll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands
till the river ends……

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 09:10

REMEDIOS---forever friends
http://intranet.bkkss.e.hk/it- ... Forever.Friends.wma

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 09:09

是岩井俊二的电影原声 叫《forever friend》
下载地址 :http://images.e-e.com.cn/audio/eng/forfriends.mp3

歌词:Forever Friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I'll be near you

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I'll be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
Some day we'll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
we'll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I will believe you
When the river flows
Off to part us both
Only HEAVEN knows
I will be a boat to sail arround you
Melody never say good-bye
I will be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
One day we'll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands
till the river ends……

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 09:10

REMEDIOS---forever friends
http://intranet.bkkss.e.hk/it- ... Forever.Friends.wma
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