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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 09:18



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 09:31

However, the situation of the pet phrase page is not so, there is very long history as a subject of teaching to express orally, but the spoken language page has a decisive impact on foreign language teaching and is nothing but the recent thing. Originally. Spoken teaching pay attention to, pronounce, because people think pet phrase page with written language difference of page lie in pet phrase page to read, come out at that time. Later, spoken teaching paid attention to the single word again, but sentence, whole page article, but still followed the page teaching mode of the written language. One that is with spoken teaching is complete day by day, problems remained to solve in teaching are more and more too, because although pet phrase page and written language page have something in common, there is more difference. First of all, the oral language has no rule with stronger influence of written language to describe. In fact, the variant is an essential feature of the oral language. Not only because difference proction dialect of region, mean standard people of English there is an enormous difference.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 09:31

However, the situation is not Koutou Yu articles that is the case, oral expression, as a teaching of subjects has a long history, but spoken discourse teaching of foreign languages have a decisive influence on the matter only recently. At first. Speaking to teaching pronunciation, because when people think Koutou Yu articles written articles and the difference lies in Koutou Yu is read from the chapter. Later, the spoken language teaching but also to a single word, sentence, the entire article, but still follow the written articles teaching model. With the growing spoken language of teaching improve the teaching of the issues to be addressed more and more, because Koutou Yu articles and written articles despite similarities, but the difference is more.
First, the oral language as written does not have strong influence on the rules description. In fact, the variations of oral language is a basic feature. Not only because of the difference between a regional dialect, but standard English that is to say, between those who have huge differences.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 09:32


热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 09:33

However, a pet phrase situation is this by no means that the oral expression took a teaching the subject already to have the very long history, but spoken language language had the decisive influence to the foreign language teaching just is the recent matter. At first. The spoken language teaching takes seriously to pronounce, because at that time the people thought that pet phrase lies in pet phrase with a written language difference to read. Afterward, the spoken language teaching took the single word, the sentence, the entire chapter article, but still followed a written language teaching the pattern. Along with the spoken language teaching's day-by-day consummation, in the teaching waits for the question which solves being also getting more and more, although because pet phrase has the similarity with written language, but the difference are more. first, the spoken language does not have the written language such to have the strong influence rule description. In fact, the anomalous form is a spoken language essential feature. Because not only difference of the region has the dialect, moreover i.e. between standard English's person also has the huge difference.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 09:33

However, Koutou Yu chapter is not the case this is the case, oral expression, as a teaching of subjects has a long history, but the verbal discourse on foreign language teaching have a decisive influence on the matter only recently. At first. Speaking to teaching pronunciation, because when people think Koutou Yu articles written articles and the difference lies in Koutou Yu is read from the chapter. Later, the spoken language teaching but also to a single word, sentence, the entire article, but still follow the written articles teaching model. With the growing spoken language of teaching improve the teaching of the issues to be addressed more and more, because Koutou Yu articles and written articles despite similarities, but the difference is more.
First, the oral language as written does not have strong influence on the rules description. In fact, the variations of oral language is a basic feature. Not only because of the difference between a regional dialect, but standard English that is to say, between those who have huge differences.
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