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2011年12月18日 9点高等学校英语应用嫩里考试(PRETCO-A)有答案了不? 求法邮箱

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 09:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 05:28

1,we inrestig ated other...(b\how)
2,the human resources...(A\in(reased))
3,the tearm is going...(A\competes)
4,Don't risk any...(C\unless)
5,By the end of...(D\will have worked)
6,(C\on arrivig)attlne...
7,Not until...(C\Did't i learn)
8,Miss sinth's...(B\working)
9,tom night have...(A\followed)
10,Jack said...(D\which)
1,I have a work(ecation)
2,more than half of the staff ...they(comfortable)
3,the student asked...(needed)
4,at that time i worked...(was considered)
5,all types of water...(harmful)
6,if the inrestment...(carefully)
7,Among all the internet...(best)
8,companies are legauy...(to keep)
9,please read through...(filling)
10,At the meeting i made...(interested)
when i come
1,in the anthor's...
tearawork skills
2,According to he second...
B\are learned while working in a term
3,Team bulidiy...
B\encouraging employees to co-operate
4,why are team member ...
A\to come an agreement
5,what's is the best title of passager
A\team bulidig
1,fairway kenwood is a company that
C\provides private car hire service
2,the company's vehicies are equipped with
B\the latest computer systems
3,from the passage we know tha you can coutact the sales...
4,the prafessiona sale of the company can help clients to...
B\do sightseeing at a lower price
5,which of the following speacil se....
A\wedding service
Der mr smith
job applicant (John Brown)
post...(human resource managoment)
personal in...(ecational background)
(work experience)
time avabile (early afternoons)
cash plus gives you extra cash
1,what service does cashplus offer(personal line)
2,what is the upper credit limit for cashplus up to($100,000cash)or twice your
monthly in come
3,what is the benefit if you get cash from cashplus(low interest rate)
4,what is advantage of cashplus (monthly repaynont)flexlble monthly repay ments
5,how can cashplus be used?
online banking
旅行文件 (O)travel documents
儿童救助 (A)child help
急诊医疗手术 (D)emergency medical operation
第三方责任 (M)third party insurance
医疗费用 (F)medical expenses
行程延误 (N)travel delay
行李损坏 (B)dainaged baggage
罢工险 (L)strike risk
租车保险负额 (K)rental vehicle excess
战争险 (Q)war risk
1、All of the infrorun that you need to a apply for your visa is available free
of charge.
A\你申请签证时所需要的一切证明材料全由我的贸易网站woriz bridge向你提供。
2,if you...
3,these procts certainly
4,A compuny's goals and...
attend your appointment 赴约
conrenient 方便
as soon as possible 尽快
enable 能够
offer 提供
patient 病人
rebook 重新预约
cancel 取消
change 改变
method 方法

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 05:29

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