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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-06 22:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 12:28

Liu xx saline-alkali land sustainable utilization and improved technology abstract: saline-alkali land resources development and utilization has an important contribution to food proction.But the lack of water resources, climate change, make the development and utilization of saline-alkali work more challenging.The article system in recent years are summarized the important progress was made in saline-alkali land sustainable utilization research.Saline-alkali land improvement of saline-alkali land management, and promote agricultural efficient use is the guarantee food security, one of the important ways to promote agricultural sustainable development.Through agricultural science and technology progress and development of saline-alkali land access to continue to maintain and improve the agricultural proctivity.In saline soil area of about 34.6 million hectares, 7.6 million hectares arable land salinization, nearly 1/5 of the cultivated land salinization-alkalization, alkali-saline land use of the development of technology, especially in China, arid agriculture irrigation area of sustained and healthy development of rural economy, land management, ecological environment protection has extremely important practical significance.From improvement of saline-alkali water conservancy, agriculture and three aspects of chemical and biological technology, are reviewed in this paper saline-alkali improvement of technology, and put forward "foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, comprehensive treatment" alkali-saline land.追问还有关键词呢,最后的,谢谢

追答Key words: saline-alkali land;Sustainable use;Improved;Technical measures

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 12:28

Saline-alkali soil sustainable use and improved technologies Liu xx Abstract: The development and utilization of saline-alkali soil has a significant contribution to food proction. However, the lack of water resources, climate change, development and utilization of saline-alkali soil more challenging. The article summarizes the sustainable use of saline-alkali soil in recent years research has made important progress. Improved governance saline-alkali soil, and promote efficient use of saline agriculture to ensure food security and promote sustainable development of agriculture is one important way. The progress and development of agricultural science and technology, continue to maintain and improve access to saline-alkali soil in agricultural proctivity. Of saline soil area of about 34.6 million hectares, 7.6 million hectares of arable land salinization,
Nearly 1/5 of the arable land salinization, saline-alkali soil improvement technology development is extremely important practical significance for our country especially the inland arid agricultural irrigation area in the rural economy sustained and healthy development, land governance, ecological and environmental protection. From the three aspects of the improvement of saline-alkali soil, water conservancy, agricultural practices, as well as chemical and biotechnology, the saline-alkali soil improvement techniques, and put forward the improved new ideas of the "weaknesses, comprehensive management of saline land.
Keywords: saline-alkali soil; sustainable use; improvement; technical measures
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