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美国文学 名词解释以下词语

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 00:35



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 15:19

American dream
American dream 也作 American Dream
An American ideal of a happy and successful life to which all may aspire:
“In the deepening gloom of the Depression, the American Dream represented a reaffirmation of traditional American hopes”(Anthony Brandt)

Jazz Age

Psychological realism 精神主义

自然主义, 本能行动


icebery principle


清教, 清教徒主义

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 15:19

The American Dream is a belief in freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States of America to achieve their goals in life through hard work.

The Jazz Age describes the period from 1918-1929, the years between the end of World War I and the start of the Roaring Twenties; ending with the rise of the Great Depression.

A psychological realism is a work of prose fiction which places more than the usual amount of emphasis on interior characterization, and on the motives, circumstances, and internal action which springs from, and develops, external action.

Naturalism (as distinct from Naturalist, Nature and Natural) can refer to various topics within philosophy and science, environmental movements, and other areas.

Expressionism is the tendency of an artist to distort reality for an emotional effect; it is a subjective art form.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 15:20

我毕业论文就是写的American dream,就是说通过自身努力获得财富和地位,像美国早期的代表人物弗兰克林,但后来指幻想破灭。抨击资本主义社会。代表作“了不起的盖茨比“

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 15:21

American Dream
* 1. 美国幻梦,美国人的社会理想
* 2. 美国生活方式;美国文化(或社会)

Jazz Age
* 1. 爵士乐时代
* 2. 二十世纪三十年代(尤其在美国)

psychological realism
* 心理真实性

* 1. 本能主义;本能行为(或思想)
* 2. 自然主义
* 3. 自然主义效果
* 4. 实证论
* 5. 自然主义
* 6. 自然神论

* 1. 表现主义(20世纪初一种以绘画、音乐、诗歌、戏剧为主的资产阶级文学艺术流派)
* 2. 表现主义风格

* 1. 清教,道德或信仰上的极端拘谨,尤指对社会快乐和放纵的敌视
* 2. 清教徒教义
* 清教礼仪和教仪,清教主义
6.icebery principle找不到~~

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 15:21

1.American dream
The American Dream is belief in the freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States to achieve their goals in life through hard work. Today, it generally refers to one's material prosperity depending upon one's abilities and work ethic — not a rigid class structure. Although the phrase's meaning has evolved in the course of national history, for some people, it is the opportunity for achieving greater material prosperity than was possible in the old country; for others, it is the opportunity for their children to grow up receiving an ecation and its consequent career opportunities; for others, it is the opportunity to make indivial choices without the constraints of class, caste, religion, race, sexual orientation, or ethnic group.

James Truslow Adams coined the phrase "American Dream" in his 1931 book The Epic of America.

2.Jazz age
The Jazz Age describes the period from 1918-1929, the years between the end of World War I and the start of the Roaring Twenties; ending with the rise of the Great Depression, the traditional values of this age saw great decline while the American stock market soared. The focus of the elements of this age, in some contrast with the Roaring Twenties, in historical and cultural studies, are somewhat different, with a greater emphasis on all Modernism.

The age takes its name from jazz music, which saw a tremendous surge in popularity among many segments of society. Among the prominent concerns and trends of the period are the public embrace of technological developments (typically seen as progress)—cars, air travel and the telephone—as well as new modernist trends in social behavior, the arts, and culture. Central developments included Art Deco design and architecture. In addition, many amateur artists began to aspire including Duke Ellington, Picasso, etc.

3.Psychological realism
A psychological novel, also called psychological realism, is a work of prose fiction which places more than the usual amount of emphasis on interior characterization, and on the motives, circumstances, and internal action which springs from, and develops, external action. The psychological novel is not content to state what happens but goes on to explain the why and the wherefore of this action. In this type of writing character and characterization are more than usually important, and they often delve deeper into the mind of a character than novels of other genres. The psychological novel can be called a novel of the "inner man", so to say. In some cases, the stream of consciousness technique, as well as interior monologues, may be employed to better illustrate the inner workings of the human mind at work. Flashbacks may also be featured.

The Tale of Genji, written in 11th century Japan and often considered to be the first novel, has been called[citation needed] the first psychological novel. In the west, the origins of the psychological novel can be traced as far back as Giovanni Boccaccio's 1344 La Fiammetta; that is before the term psychology was coined. Another avant la lettre example is Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel Cervantes.

The first rise of the psychological novel as a genre is said to have started with the sentimental novel of which Samuel Richardson's Pamela is a prime example.

In French literature, Stendhal's The Red and the Black is often called[citation needed] an early psychological novel. Madame de La Fayette's "The Princess of Cleves," dating back to the 17th century, is also considered[citation needed] an early precursor of the psychological novel. Knut Hamsuns debut-novel Hunger is widely recognized as the most significant psychological novel.

Naturalism (as distinct from Naturalist, Nature and Natural) can refer to various topics within philosophy and science, environmental movements, and other areas.

In philosophy and science, naturalism can refer to:

Expressionism is the tendency of an artist to distort reality for an emotional effect; it is a subjective art form. Expressionism is exhibited in many art forms, including painting, literature, theatre, film, architecture and music. The term often implies emotional angst. In a general sense, painters such as Matthias Grünewald and El Greco can be called expressionist, though in practice, the term is applied mainly to 20th century works.

6.icebery principle 应该是iceberg principle吧?
Hemingway is famous for his Iceberg Principle, that is, to present the story with simple sentences
and dialogues and leave a large space for readers to explore, to reflect. It was just like the iceberg, which had only
one-eighth part on the water and seven-eighths part under the water.

Puritanism is behaviour or beliefs that are based on strict moral or religious principles, especially the principle that people should avoid physical pleasures.
The central tenet of Puritanism was God's supreme authority over human affairs, particularly in the church, and especially as expressed in the Bible. This view led person to seek both indivial and corporate conformance to the teaching of the Bible, and it led people to pursue both moral purity down to the smallest detail as well as ecclesiastical purity to the highest level.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 15:22

1.American dream
2.Jazz age
3.Psychological realism
6.icebery principle
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