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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 15:19



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 04:07

Thank the parentsThey put me up to alt, who taught me in school should respect teachers, they teach me in the school to solidarity, be they when I am in trouble and I share, they teach me where to care for the young, are they happy with my heart, come how many years, they do not know how much to eat bitter, flow how many sweat.I remember once, examination of single down, I see, though, was passed, but this is not what I want to get scores, suddenly, I remembered a few days ago, I class and do not listen carefully, I regret it, I can't put the papers give mom and dad look, I was very afraid, waiting for mom and dad a storm of criticism, exceeding one's expectations is father and mother with a gentle voice said: " never mind, " failure is the mother of success, you must firmly believe that nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. " Listen to them after a drop of tear, can't help to stream down from my eyes. However, a firm belief is deeply engraved in my mind.Now I see light suddenly, parental love is like the ocean, boundless endless. Even if the fight is also a kind of love is called.Gratitude is a warm feeling, like a stream flowing slowly, softly sang in the heart and the heart, between the transmission of the human world of the most pure beautiful message. Most of all I thank my parents. Their open minds with deep love and embrace all my advantages and disadvantages, generously gave me a room for my own, let me extend his arms, I want to embrace life. I thank my parents, they gave me to come to this world power. My childhood in his parents' love and care be light of heart from care to spend. Sunny day, they sent me a beautiful piece of clear sky; rainy season of snow, they for me up a soft umbrella. Youth times accompanied by studying the passions, but included the number of parents are bitter sweet and sour. Parents often look very happy because my joy, often because of my trouble and worry in the heart. I know, my parents are looking forward to have a good result, one day in the future, their daughter can depend on oneself ability, to live a better life. Finally one day, parents wish: finally has one to belong to my happy home. Parents smiled, in this heartfelt smile, but I saw parents forehead when covered with wrinkles, also many strands of white hair at the temples. Their heart is still filled with countless worry, about her daughter, worried about their little grandson. Then, to my work, my family and my children, parents in their close already sixty years old, they start with a granddaughter of "old maid", see granddaughter as childhood when I smart clever appearance, parents meet smile. Just, they are no longer young ... ... I thank my parents, and when I am no longer young, when I quietly counting the parents head wisps of hair, as I gently stroked parents face wrinkles;I thank my parents, when parents are no longer young parents, as time rolls on a silent love still on my journey, when parents kindly eyes filled with countless care and warmth;I thank my parents, and when I was a new mother full of love to take care of the baby, when I gently as the daughter sings that head " and I love you so " ... ... I finally understand:Are my parents, give me the whole world! I thank my parents. Parents of this word, I believe that everyone in the dictionary is, the two word is so gentle, cordial. In my impression, parents would like a vast universe, and I was a little stars, they gave me meticulous love and care, they to I also spent a lot of care. " The book of songs " said: " father, my mother and I, I, I ask my ecation, I raise my animal. " My parents too, but I can put their " kind " as " intent ". " Up! " " Wait a minute, and then sleep for a while! " I said lazily. " The sun is up to! Give me up! " Dad shouted the impatient, I had to read together in english. ( I don't know my mother bought from where the " X " in English, what to say to increase vocabulary, I do not believe in a "broken " book to turn me into the " English indivial word king "! ) The immediate letter dangling, don't know which is " m " which is " w ". Dad knocked on the desk and said: " read fast! " A few days later, I said to his mother: " I can't stand it, I am so small, will have a ' eye ', you simply abuse! " But she said coldly: " you don't read the can, but you'll have to eat your dad ' bamboo barbecue '! " Hearing the words, can not control feelings I ran out of the room, opened the diary, and wrote a few words: father and mother I hate you! At this moment, my heart is more comfortable, as if these words to me a newspaper ". " yes. But after a few months, magical effect emerged: the English test, I got 100 points, and the English teacher called difficult words, I'll read. Looks like Daddy Mama " devil training " has appeared. At this moment, I just know Mom and dad on my heart. I quietly opened the diary, the hated word erase, suddenly I feel a sense of relief. Mom and Dad, thank you! You have given me life is bear bitter hardships; you raise me up. This love is my life can not repay, thank you!









我感激的看着爸爸,爸爸用宽容教育了我。 还有一次,我在外面闯了祸还对妈妈撒慌,妈妈的批评让我脸红,我流下了悔恨的泪水。爸爸见了急忙给我擦干眼泪,给我讲道理,并对妈妈说:“打骂孩子不是最好的教育方法,要给他们讲道理。毕竟还是小孩子嘛。”爸爸有给我讲了好多道理,让我心悦诚服的认了错。 我一天天长大...




记得前些天,你告诉我;一个15岁的女孩被埋在废墟里,女孩的父亲独自一人用了11个小时救出了女孩,女孩被救出后,紧紧地和父亲抱在一起。说的第一句话是:“爸爸,以后我再也不和你吵架了。”原来,在地震之前,父女俩儿吵了一架,所以…… 听了这个故事,我震撼了,我感动了,一股感激之情涌上心头。 记得: 我一岁...

初中优秀叙事作文: 父女冲突


感恩父母 演讲感想800字



这样老师不会批评,而且自己也没有糊弄自己,而是把抄变成了学习,当抄是一种为学习而学习的时候,这就像读书笔记一样,是一种好的习惯了。 3. 关于在网上抄作文的感受 写一篇作文 星期下午,因为晚上有客人来,所以妈妈带我到农贸市场,市场上人山人海,由于我还要买钢笔.情急之下,我们来到了路边一个卖菜的小摊上...

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