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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 02:36



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 12:53



Milk and coffee, sweet, slightly bitter, the taste of the tongue gently lick, roll in the mouth, and then slowly melt into thick, smooth juice, until completely melted, you will bite the crisp nuts, received unexpected surprise, suddenly let you feel very comfortable.


This is my favorite food - Dove chocolate.


Laofen chocolate is a large rectangle, its small length is divided into different square, using different plants for the proction of mold, heart-shaped, wavy, oval, spherical, etc; Old Dove chocolate has only one flavor. Now there are mint, almonds and dark chocolate, etc.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 12:54

My favorite food is noodles.You can have it in any taste,with vegetables, beef, fish or even a bit sweet as cold noodles.When I am hungry, I always wish for a bowl of hot noodles, it makes you warm and satisfied.When you are I'll, you can have it, because it's easy to take in by the body.Noodles is also called ramen in other Asian counties.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 12:54

My favorite food ice cream αnd Salad.Ice cream is Sweet.Salad is healthy.

我最喜欢的食物英语作文篇一 My favourite food is cake.because it is very delicious.Although cake is very sweet,it looks very beautiful.On my birthday,my mother bought a cake for me.I'm very happy.There are some things on the cake.For example ,some fruit and some chocolate .l...


I most love the food is Macarons, it is a dessert. Macarons can have many kinds of colors. It tastes sweet, soft. Macarons looks like hamburgers, small. Looks very cute.


可以这样表达:The food that I like is as below:I like the bread.I like the cheese.I like the salad.I like all the meat.But I like most is the fruit.意思是说:我喜欢的食物如下:我喜欢面包,我喜欢芝士,我喜欢沙拉,我还喜欢所有的肉类,我最喜欢的是水果。


This is my favorite food - Dove chocolate.这是我最喜欢的食物——德芙巧克力。Laofen chocolate is a large rectangle, its small length is divided into different square, using different plants for the production of mold, heart-shaped, wavy, oval, spherical, etc; Old Dove chocolate has...


do when you eat this dish.我最喜欢吃炒土豆丝,因为土豆很好吃,不仅很香而且很可口,土豆对人的健康也很有好处,科学家们说,土豆可以抑制疾病的生长,所以我也会把这道菜推荐给我的朋友,朋友们吃了,都觉得味道很美味,吃饭的时候我都会叫妈妈做这道菜。 哥哥请采纳我吧 我原创的 ...

英语小作文。说说你最喜欢的食物,水果,蔬菜和饮料是什么。 不少于...

My favourite fruit is strawberry. Favorite food is fried beef. Favorite vegetable is green. 'S favorite drink is orange juice. Favourite season is spring.


My favorite foodMy favorite food is icecream. Icecream is sweet and chilly. I the summer I buy a lot of icecream and put them in the fridge. When the day gets hot I eat some. I like chocolate flavor and milk flavor.


My favorite food is apple.Apples are sweet .It taste really good.AndI think that apples can make us healthy.I also like drinking milk.Milk is the best thing todrink I think.It can let you be strong.These are my favorite .Hum...How about you?叫我雷锋 求采纳为满意回答。




Chinese food is great. 翻译:我喜欢吃中餐。在中国有很多传统美食,象烧饼啊,油条啊 ,水饺啊,蒸包啊等等。我最喜欢的就是水饺了,我认为它们很好吃。在古代人们就吃它们了。总而言之,中餐就是棒 写的不算太好啊,请笑纳,献丑了 写一篇小短文,介绍一下自己的家.不少于四句话.(英语作文)...

介绍自己和别人最喜爱的东西英语 用英语介绍最喜爱的书 用英语介绍最喜爱的娱乐活动 用英语介绍我最喜欢的一本书 用英文介绍自己最喜欢的书籍 介绍一本最喜欢的书英语作文 你最喜欢的一本书英语口语 用英语回答你最喜欢的一本书 英语介绍我最爱的菜
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