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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 20:30



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 19:53

1. Trade term used to describe the back and in the composition of the export price of goods delivered by the seller to the buyer in the process of buyers and sellers on proceres, costs and risks of the division of responsibilities. (Be involved in, with regard to)
2. Your company's ability to grant a permanent license offers 26-inch bike? Please click the minimum order quantity 10000 each time based on CIF New York reported the lowest. (Offer, quote)
3. Air Transport can guarantee small size, light weight, high-value time-sensitive cargo quickly reach their destinations on time, which in international trade and transport in the proportion of the rise. (ensure)
4. The Special Inspection Certificate, import and export commodity inspection authorities or means of transport for cargo containers designated project inspection certificate issued after identification. (Inspection, container, means of transport)
5. The purpose of a certificate of origin to prove the origin of goods or place of manufacture, it is usually welded on imported goods, importing countries adopt different policies and tariff treatment of country-specific basis. (tariff treatment, be based on)
6. The state leaders and foreign journalists at the conference that a series of economic reform measures, will greatly contribute to the establishment of a socialist market economic system and improved. (Contribute to)
7. It is only the party and the government under the guidance of the basic principles and policies, China can achieve such a high rate of economic growth. (achieve)
8. Many Western International press pointed out that Shanghai's rapid construction of regional infrastructure will greatly improve the local investment environment, promote foreign investment inflows. (Stimulate, inflow)
9. Then president of U.S. high-tech companies since the fall from the concept of simply served as a visiting professor at Boston University, Department of Economics. (On a b. .. basis)
10. As with this expansion of developing Asia's trade deficit, the United States is likely to significantly rece imports from the country's textiles, clothing and footwear and other procts. (In is likely that ...)
11. In recent years, the car maker's proction technology and management improvements, leading to declining proction costs, proct quality has improved significantly. (Bring about)
12. Into the 21st century, a marked deterioration in the U.S. economy, which is characterized by: a substantial decline in economic growth, proction, and significantly lower sales in the domestic market, stock prices plummeted. (Be characterized by)
13. The developed countries on implementation of China's discriminatory trade policies, not only to China's export restrictions on many high-tech procts, but also in a lot of procts imported from China also impose restrictions. (Impose restrictions on)
14.90 end of the decade, the manufactured exports of developing countries the proportion of total exports accounted for 60%, while only 15% of the early 70s, reflecting the beginning of the rapid development of the country's manufacturing sector. (As opposed to)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 19:54

1. Trade term used to describe the back and in the composition of the export price of goods delivered by the seller to the buyer in the process of buyers and sellers on proceres, costs and risks of the division of responsibilities.
2. Your company's ability to grant a permanent license offers 26-inch bike? Please click the minimum order quantity 10000 each time based on CIF New York reported the lowest.
3. Air Transport can guarantee small size, light weight, high-value time-sensitive cargo quickly reach their destinations on time, which in international trade and transport in the proportion of the rise.
4. The Special Inspection Certificate, import and export commodity inspection authorities or means of transport for cargo containers designated project inspection certificate issued after identification.
5. The purpose of a certificate of origin to prove the origin of goods or place of manufacture, it is usually welded on imported goods, importing countries adopt different policies and tariff treatment of country-specific basis.
6. The state leaders and foreign journalists at the conference that a series of economic reform measures, will greatly contribute to the establishment of a socialist market economic system and improved.
7. It is only the party and the government under the guidance of the basic principles and policies, China can achieve such a high rate of economic growth.
8. Many Western International press pointed out that Shanghai's rapid construction of regional infrastructure will greatly improve the local investment environment, promote foreign investment inflows.
9. Then president of U.S. high-tech companies since the fall from the concept of simply served as a visiting professor at Boston University, Department of Economics.
10. As with this expansion of developing Asia's trade deficit, the United States is likely to significantly rece imports from the country's textiles, clothing and footwear and other procts.
11. In recent years, the car maker's proction technology and management improvements, leading to declining proction costs, proct quality has improved significantly.
12. Into the 21st century, a marked deterioration in the U.S. economy, which is characterized by: a substantial decline in economic growth, proction, and significantly lower sales in the domestic market, stock prices soared.
13. The developed countries on implementation of China's discriminatory trade policies, not only to China's export restrictions on many high-tech procts, but also in a lot of procts imported from China also impose restrictions.
14.90 end of the decade, the manufactured exports of developing countries the proportion of total exports accounted for 60%, while only 15% of the early 70s, reflecting the beginning of the rapid development of the country's manufacturing sector.
Do not machine translation could translate a few translate a few words I need to apply the wealth of other numbers to give you brush.

1. Trade term used to describe the back and in the composition of the export price of goods delivered by the seller to the buyer in the process of buyers and sellers on procedures, costs and risks of the division of responsibilities. (Be involved in, with regard to)2. Your ...


barriers(贸易壁垒):A structure, such as a fence, built to bar passage.security(证券):A document indicating ownership or creditorship; a stock certificate or bond.tariff(关税):Duties or a duty imposed by a government on imported or exported goods.anti-dumping(反倾销):Intended to d...


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1. The jinhua city to return; inviting foreigners 2. The effective period invite units photocopy of the business license;3. Invite units and invited business units in the same transaction documents (the customs declaration form of cancel after verification coupon, freight company to the...


本术语英文为“Free Carrier(… named place)”,即“货物交承运人(……指定地点)”。它指卖方应负责将其移交的货物,办理出关后,在指定的地点交付给买方指定的承运入照管。根据商业惯例,当卖方被要求与承运人通过签订合同进行协作时,在买方承担风险和费用的情况下,卖方可以照此办理。本术语适用于...


英语词汇多达几十万,并且词语表义较为灵活,对上下文的依赖也较大。如,"board"一词,本义为"木板",但在不同上下文中,可以表示" 车"、"船"、"伙食"、"会议桌"、"委员会"等。而在商务英语中,"board"往往用来表示"董事会",如,"chairman or president of the board"(董事会主席或董事长);...


竟然没人翻译???希望帮到你啦!1、After the receipt of the inventory, the company will render to the agent a statement showing total accountability for consignments, prefaced by the chairman, etal, accountants of the company.在收到库存之后,公司将给代理人开出一份委托责任声明,该...

商务英语翻译(几句话) 谢谢

3.The purchaser agrees to pay all expenses, including legal expenses, court costs and attorney fees paid by the seller in endeavoring to collect these invoiced items. All amounts over 60 days shall be subject to a 2% monthly service charge.采购方同意支付所以费用,包括法律费用,开庭...


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