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求一首歌开头是男声的one two one two three four 是一首英文歌

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 20:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:47

歌曲:《Creepin' up on》

歌手:Darren Hayes

Creepin' up on you is the wrong thing to do
I found your address and got your phone number too
Visit all the stores where you buy all your clothes
Been to secret places you think nobody knows
If I had to live without you
Nobody could
I need to be around you
Watching you
No one else can love you like I do
Feel it when I'm creepin' up on you
I know that it wouldn't be right
If I stayed all night
Just to peep in on you
Creepin' up on you
I've been hanging 'round all the places you haunt
Spying on your friends to find out what you want
Drinking from the glass that you left on the bar
Follow you around driving home in your car
Do I have to breathe without you?
'Cause nobody could
I need to be around you
Watching you
No one else can love you like I do
Feel it when I'm creepin' up on you
I know that it wouldn't be right
If I stayed all night
Just to peep in on you
Creepin' up on you
I know this must be wrong
It can't go on
This kind of thing is taking all my sanity
And making me a mockery
This must be wrong
It can't go on
So won't somebody free me from this misery?
Bring my baby closer to me
'Cause no one else can love you like I do
You feel it when I'm creepin' up on you
I know that it wouldn't be right
If I stayed all night
Just to peep in on you
No one else can love you like I do
I know you feel it when I'm creepin up on you
I know that it wouldn't be right
If I stayed all night
Just to peep in on you
Creepin' up on you
'Cause no one else can love you, no no
Like I do
I know you feel me peeping in on you
Watching everything you do
'Cause no one else can love you, no
Like I do
No one else should love you, no
Like I do
Baby creepin' up on you
Watching everything you do
Yeah 'cause no one else can love you
No no one else should touch you
No one else can love you
Touch you
Love you
Be with you


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:48

歌曲:one two three four
歌手:acid house kings 专辑:we're the acid hous

• 搜索"one two three four"LRC歌词
• 搜索"one two three four"mp3
[ti:one two three four]
[ar:acid house kings]
[al:we're the acid house kings]

i just one more kiss boy
then i go
a morning romance
and i know for sure
i wasn't sleepy
and you couldn't tell

one two hours with you
will give me even more
three four seconds with you
then you're such a bore

i head for your flat boy
i'll go home
you head for your office
and you stay too long
if you're not present
then how will i know

one two hours with you
will give me even more
three four seconds with you
then you're such a bore

one two hours with you
will give me even more
three four seconds with you
then you're such a bore

one two hours with you
will give me even more
three four seconds with you
then you're such a bore

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:48

Just My Luck---mcfly
酷我音乐盒 里有下载的
找不到留你的邮箱就行了 发你

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:49

是不是,space oddity。
嘉陵睿行摩托什么颜色好看 请问下在第四军医大学吉林军医学院04级毕业的药学学生你们有入学通知... 报考第四军医大学药学研究生有什么限制吗?比如必须是211大学才能报考吗... 你最近好奇的一件事是什么? 报考第四军医大学的药学研究生(我学的是生物制药)对体检有什么要求(女 ... 赶黄草泡水喝的副作用 ...老梦见过,我找到一个对我很好的男人,对我百般疼爱,可是梦见我们一起... 一个很爱我的女人,但是她却有阴影.在爱我的期间她放纵过自己.跟过很... ...很疼爱我很宠我,把我照顾的无微不至,对我很好,我只相信他 宠物狗缺钙的那些事 【求助】儿子已经32岁了,爸爸还想管儿子叫“宝贝”,到底能不能叫? 自己**,经常叫出来,可又不敢大声叫,现在想叫,可是又没有人听。怎么办啊??大家帮忙啊!谢谢了!我 仰着睡觉感觉自己还没睡着的时候就强行入梦了,在梦里感觉不能动,想叫都叫不出来,这是怎么回事啊! 仰着睡觉感觉自己还没睡着的时候就强行入梦了,在梦里感觉不能动,想叫都叫不出来,这是怎么回事啊! 好多人做刺激娱乐设施例如过山车都会尖叫,为什么我是闭眼睛憋着嘴,想叫也叫不出来,这可以说明一种心理 好多人做刺激娱乐设施例如过山车都会尖叫,为什么我是闭眼睛憋着嘴,想叫也叫不出来,这可以说明一种心理 有时夜里睡觉会突然醒过来,大脑有意识,但身体却动不了,想叫叫不出来,能听到嘈杂的声音,这个是什么啊 有时候睡觉时头脑清醒,四肢麻木,想叫叫不出,动也不能动。而且很难受,怎么办? 有时候睡觉时头脑清醒,四肢麻木,想叫叫不出,动也不能动。而且很难受,怎么办? 跟男朋友那个想叫但没敢就忍不住的时候吭叽了几下他跟我说要叫就叫吧没事不要紧。可我不好意思叫怎么办 跟男朋友那个想叫但没敢就忍不住的时候吭叽了几下他跟我说要叫就叫吧没事不要紧。可我不好意思叫怎么办 中午睡觉的时候想醒却醒不来,四肢不能动弹想喊喊不出来有意识 白日梦想家,36分30秒的那首歌名字叫什么? 儿子已经20岁了,爸爸还想叫儿子一声“宝宝”,到底能不能叫? 非常有名的太空bgm 一开始是地面指挥中心一直在呼叫飞船还是什么的,但是没有回应的一段对话 我经常性睡觉时会睁不开眼,全身不能动想叫又叫不出声。意识很清醒知道旁边的人说活, 一首英文歌,是一个乐队唱的,歌词中有宇航员这个词好像也是围绕宇航员唱的,记不得歌名了,求出处 睡觉中,头脑清醒旧但手脚不能动,想叫却叫不出来,这是什么原因? 为什么我晚上睡觉有时候和做梦一样,想动不能动,想喊不能喊, 税务局发行的税控盘Ukey,*发送至邮箱提示smtp授权码不能为空是什么意思? 求一首歌开头是男声的one two one two three four 是一首英文歌 oracle 11g sql developer打不开,如图 怎么激活宁波银行的网上银行? 没有宁波银行卡 为什么会有电子卡号 水瓶男 喜欢口是心非么 水瓶男若是讨厌一个女生 会怎样 水瓶男对前女友说放下了是真的放下了吗? 怎么样才能让水瓶男亲口对你说我爱你? 水瓶男对于喜欢的女生会主动QQ联系吗? 我在中国移动领了5G5个小时流量包要钱吗? 中国移动每月领5g流量是真是假 服装裁剪机刀片大多是用什么材料制成 工行笔试易考客户端打开是空白,应该怎么解决?- 问一问 本科论文在中国知网能查到么 立式裁剪刀刀片下面塞满了碎海绵屑!清了清一会就走塞了!怎么回事?求解 太阳能板出现热斑还能用吗 联想电脑为什么安装不了易考- 问一问 北语的考试易考通怎么安装? 易考摄像头怎么设置 太阳能电池板发电时本身会发热么,怎么计算这个热量? 温度低,发热效率高么? 我的本科论文参考了同年毕业研究生学姐的论文,知网是否能查到?