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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-03 18:56



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 21:44

DJ Bobo - Games People Play


热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 21:44

tesla-games people play
All the games people play now,
every night every day now
Never meaning what they say now,
never saying what they mean
While they while away the hours in their ivory towers
Till they’re covered up with flowers
in the back of a black limousine
Oh we make one another cry,
breakin’ hearts when we say goodbye Cross our hearts and we hope to die, except the other was to blame Either one will ever kill it, so we gaze and we make pretend Thinkin’ ’bout things that might have been, oh it’s a dirty rotten shame Tesla Chorus: Ladandaladandadada, ladandaladandadadee Talkin’ ’bout you and me, and the games people play Ladandaladandadada, ladandaladandadadee Talkin’ ’bout you and me, and the games people play People walkin’ up to ya, singin’ glory hallelujah Sayin’ what the hell’s it to ya, if we do it in the name of the Lord We’re gonna teach ya how to meditate [Preach our hearts from teacher’s faith] Put them on a hell of hate, come on, let’s get on board (chorus) (Solo) Look around, tell me what you see, what’s happening to you and me Got burning my serenity, to the neighborhood at hand ’Cos you’re givin’ up your sanity, or your pride and your vanity Turn your back on humanity, ow, when you don’t give a damn, not a damn Ladandaladandadada, ladandaladandadadee Talkin’ ’bout you and me, and the games people play Ladandaladandadada, ladandaladandadadee Talkin’ ’bout everybody, talkin’ ’bout you, ’bout you and me (Ladandaladandadada) you and me, (ladandaladandadadee) I’m talkin’ bout the games, the games we all play (Ladandaladandadada) ladanda, (ladandaladandadadee) ladandadadee All the games, talkin’ bout the games people play (Ladandaladandadada, ladandaladandadadee) (Ladandaladandadada, ladandaladandadadee) (Ladandaladandadada, ladandaladandadadee
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