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Natural Disaster 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 12:33



热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 13:29

歌曲名:Natural Disaster
歌手:Gretchen Peters
专辑:Hello Cruel World

Weatherman says there''s gonna be sun
Surely to god I''m not the only one
Who''d trade this day for a hurricane
Blow 500 miles cross a landlocked state
Earthquake shook the California ground
Took a freeway out and some buildings down
Well I''ve never felt the earth move under my heels
But I got a pretty good idea how it feels
I got pictures hangin'' on the walls
A history that haunts these halls
Of you and me, before and after
A natural disaster
We tore through each other like an avalanche
You and me baby we were bound to crash
The higher we flew the harder we fell
From the hem of heaven, to the gates of hell
Like a landslide baby on a suicide run
No thought to the damage done
Headed straight downhill, faster and faster
A natural disaster
They say it was a miracle no one died
Just two people hurt and some wounded pride
Love takes everything in its path
And leaves you breathless in the aftermath
And there''s a hole where your heart once stood
You know it won''t kill you but you wish it would
''Cause you don''t want to face the morning after
Your natural disaster
Weatherman says no chance of rain
But I''m still waitin'' for that hurricane…

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