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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 12:33



热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 13:29

用了的词有:beautiful, flower, vase, colors, sun, express, brush, light, dark, nature, abstract, frame


A: oh, it's you, B, what's going on these days?
B: well, not bad. It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
A: Yes, it is. That's why I am here to enjoy the work by the famous artist.
B: So am I. Do you find anything really worth for appreciation?
A: Well, I just found a painting. it's really interesting but I can’t recognize who drew it. It is brushed simply but I think it expresses something.
B: Really? Please show me, I think I can tell you whose work it is.
A: This way please

The two men stopped in front of a painting.
A: Look, this is what I told you.
B: Hmmm, it is a house; the light is on and no dark inside. there is a flower in the vase which is in different colors. The flower is on the desk near the window. Look, the sun is in the sky with some sunshine around it. It is an abstract work, even without frame. but I believe it is meaningful.
A: yeah, I agree with you. I guess it is drawn by a famous artiest like Picasso, he likes to draw something simple but meaningful.
B: It is a precious painting. I believe it.

C came at that moment.

C: excuse me, I am the manager here and I need to take the painting down now.
A: Wait a minute, please tell us who drew it. We all believe it is from a famous artist but we just cant know the name.
B: yes, please tell us.
C: A famous artist?? Are you kidding me? This is drawn by my grandson; he is very naughty and hung his art class homework on this wall!
A&B: What!?

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