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英语不错的帅哥靓妹帮翻译个段子 机器别了

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-04 00:32



热心网友 时间:2024-03-07 13:24

1. The new starting point, new development opportunities. By 2010, we have to do many things, first, "China's private enterprises in the development of reference" of the revision work, we will be changed from the original Chinese version in English from the original issue of the journal changed from the original members of the exchange into the external distribution and online sales, changed from the original basis of domestic services for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the African Union. Secondly, we will focus on "the development of China's private enterprises refer to" the service platform-based, and made many friends at home and abroad, with our party and the country's long-term development strategy, according to our national conditions for China's private enterprises to go, please come in to the deep levels of service.
By 2010, we have to lay the foundation for our long-term development strategy, in addition to south-central station has been established, but also intends to south China, north China, northwest, northeast workstations were set for "the development of China's private enterprises refer to" the strategic development and lay a solid foundation for China's private enterprises to provide better service for our country's economic construction and building blocks for the national well-being of all people to live well and work hard.


热心网友 时间:2024-03-07 13:30

1. The new starting point, new development opportunities. By 2010, we have to do many things, first, "China's private enterprises in the development of reference" of the revision work, we will be changed from the original Chinese version in English from the original issue of the journal changed from the original members of the exchange into the external distribution and online sales, changed from the original basis of domestic services for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the African Union. Secondly, we will focus on "the development of China's private enterprises refer to" the service platform-based, and made many friends at home and abroad, with our party and the country's long-term development strategy, according to our national conditions for China's private enterprises to go, please come in to the deep levels of service. By 2010, we have to lay the foundation for our long-term development strategy, in addition to south-central station has been established, but also intends to south China, north China, northwest, northeast workstations were set for "the development of China's private enterprises refer to" the strategic development and lay a solid foundation for China's private enterprises to provide better service for our country's economic construction and building blocks for the national well-being of all people to live well and work hard.
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