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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 08:25



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 03:04

Plus support one side are difficult to surmount earthquake relief

-- At 14:28 on May 12, occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan's 7.8 magnitude quake has resulted in Sichuan, Gansu, and Chongqing, Yunnan, and so on the ground million casualties. Tens of thousands of houses were destroyed and displaced hundreds of thousands of Chinese people, a strong earthquake disaster areas moment people lost their homes and the original and stable life, to bring a great disaster.

Human life is precious, watching countless homeless people, watching the rising number of casualties, everyone's hearts will be filled boundless grief and Strickland sigh. The current crisis, every Chinese person was also deeply affect the heart, because of common concerns related to each other. Not only in government action; Red Cross in action; people are on the move! The friendly people in the world in action! People everywhere have an emergency action, some contributions; some money and materials; some donors……

Colleagues, extend your helping hand to join the ranks of the Disaster Relief! Maybe you're the one yuan of money to maintain their life will become a bottle of water or a biscuit, perhaps your money will be 100 yuan a bottle of retaining their life or a pharmaceutical medical equipment, you will love the warmth of a In distress among the victims in Wenchuan County, Sichuan, so that their life's most difficult time, the hope of seeing life, to see human well-being!

Love, because of moving and beautiful! Life, because of mutual aid and wonderful!
不吃惊!冇我符!初生之犊不畏虎。有靠山?勿乱估:未曾痛过不知苦!能解... 不识惊!冇我符!初生之犊不畏虎。 有靠山,勿乱估。未曾通过不知苦... ...不识惊!冇我符!初生之犊不畏虎。有靠山?勿乱估。末曾痛过不知苦... 不识惊!冇我符! 初生之犊不畏虎。 有靠山?勿乱估。 未曾痛过不知苦... ...有靠山?勿乱估。未曾痛过不知苦?猜生肖!答案加理由。 跪求各位大仙,算命准的帮帮我 各位大神,网友大哥。我今天抽了支签,第十四签,请各位帮忙解一下。谢谢... 跪求各位有懂的帮忙解一下这个签!!! 紫金所为什么这么牛气? 战争机器5中文配音怎么设置 办小报 喜迎国庆节 以倡议捐书为书面表达的英语作文 对联~~对联~~快来...急用..............~!!!!急..我会追积分的哦....... 写副对联赞颂祖国六十年来的成就 急急!!!!找对联,“民富国强显百旺,欢笑迎国庆;山南海北承常安,歌舞颂党恩。”跟这个对联差不多的 oppor9手机相册图片密码忘了怎么办 OPPOr9手机怎么截部分图? OPPOR9手机的动图保存到哪里了? 拖鞋掉厕所里边了,怎么办! - 信息提示 卫生间有水,穿起拖鞋进去一踩就有很脏的脚印,这是为什么?要怎么样才不会踩起脚印? 进卫生间和厨房都需要换单独的拖鞋吗 电风扇什么牌子的好呀?格力还是美的? 格力?美的?松下?还是海尔?那个牌子,哪个型号好? 美的my-c5041和5040那个好 打电话中的视频通话怎么收费有一元畅聊包 如何删除安卓自带的动态壁纸? 职场面试需要注意哪些细节? 有经验的职场面试官看重什么? 初入职场,面试需要准备什么 求土豆粉对联 谢谢! 英语作文倡议书捐赠儿童初中 以Growing up with good books为题,用英语写一篇80词的倡议书,向学校同学 英语作文奉献爱心倡议书,急呀…… 谁能告诉我怎么写英语的倡议书嘞? 生花生米吃了会上火吗? 吃花生容易上火吗 吃生花生米上火吗 花生煮稀饭会上火嘛? 吃生花生米会不会上火?麻烦告诉我 小明买的矿泉水是12元六瓶小红买的矿泉水是三元一瓶谁买的矿泉水便宜一瓶便宜多少元? 学校买来三元一瓶的矿泉水和五元一瓶的矿泉水共二瓶共花48元三元的矿泉水买了 60名同学外出游玩矿泉水3元一瓶,买五送一,老师最少要准备多少元钱 买矿泉水三元一瓶,买四送一共买四十瓶付多少钱? 大瓶农夫山泉3元的是哪种 小学三年级数学题:45人去旅游,每人买一瓶矿泉水,矿泉水三元一瓶,买4瓶赠1瓶,问一 一瓶矿泉水3元.小红有28元钱都买矿泉水,最多可以买______瓶,还剩______元. 一瓶矿泉水的价钱是3元。20元钱最多可以买()瓶,还剩下()元。 1、每瓶矿泉水3元,小丽口头了 3元的大瓶怡宝瓶装水,开瓶后几天内可以喝