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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-01 16:35



热心网友 时间:2024-04-16 00:43

Such as seized the flammable and explosive dangerous goods ( such as: banana water, gasoline, all types of explosive devices ), control of the tool ( such as: triangular sword, dagger, army thorn, switchblade, watermelon knife etc.), should immediately be confiscated, the carriers to be monitored and reported to the police on duty are processed quickly.

Prohibited articles range

Y flammable, explosive, toxic, radioactive and other hazardous substances.

Y of firearms and ammunition, daggers and other control apparatus.

Y drugs, obscene and other prohibited items.

Y other may harm the interests of the state, public safety or affect the activities of large order items.

Processing method

The following items: y found, such as guns, ammunition, daggers and other control apparatus and flammable, explosive, toxic and other goods, immediately to the public security personnel on site report and in accordance with the regulations;

Y in illegal crime, immediately to the public security personnel on site report and take effective measures to evacuate personnel;

Y in case of the inspected refuses to accept the security check or insist on carrying prohibited items, the security staff must reject the entered the exhibition area and the required processing.

By the examination of people carrying y restricted articles, shall notify the inspected the restricted items stored in the cloakroom or disposition.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-16 00:44

Such as seized the flammable and explosive dangerous goods ( such as: banana water, gasoline, all types of explosive devices ), control of the tool ( such as: triangular sword, dagger, army thorn, switchblade, watermelon knife etc.), should immediately be confiscated, the carriers to be monitored and reported to the police on duty are processed quickly.Prohibited articles rangeY flammable, explosive, toxic, radioactive and other hazardous substances.Y of firearms and ammunition, daggers and other control apparatus.Y drugs, obscene and other prohibited items.Y other may harm the interests of the state, public safety or affect the activities of large order items.Processing methodThe following items: y found, such as guns, ammunition, daggers and other control apparatus and flammable, explosive, toxic and other goods, immediately to the public security personnel on site report and in accordance with the regulations;Y in illegal crime, immediately to the public security personnel on site report and take effective measures to evacuate personnel;Y in case of the inspected refuses to accept the security check or insist on carrying prohibited items, the security staff must reject the entered the exhibition area and the required processing.By the examination of people carrying y restricted articles, shall notify the inspected the restricted items stored in the cloakroom or disposition.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-16 00:44

As the saying goes: "money can't buy happiness", but "money" can buy us happy. Don't worry about the money spent on others in how much profit, also don't blame yourself too indulge their desires. Many times, happy, it won't come to visit us. Money is a good keys.
Money is what? Only use it for something, it only real existence and brings us pleasant sensation, otherwise it will only make disputes and troubled. When I was a child, money is put the money only, can get a doll smash it, In high school, money is parents miserly wallet, only to get a pair of NIKE, entangled in sight of students, Again, some money up our wedding banquet is, At 40, becomes expensive taste.

Money is for our clothes, shoes, dined out in a restaurant, a lively area apartment, still have a 50 square metre, a bicycle, this book is a bunch of flowers, and all moved us, and on our life of mark. Besides, it can also is what?

Money can obtain happiness, need a few premise, the first to avoid is too rich. Billionaire sadly tell us: "money does not bring happiness ah" (they are only say this words, but we prefer personal try). This desperate, can also have the money, daily in the sea voyage will make everything becomes banal, just like every day, it will brushing your teeth.

If you have a lot of the rest is available, what will? No, there is no dream, for in two house also needn't buy all between - just too lazy to see and put aside. For my socks in the shops to buy VERSACE surrounds is nothing interesting in our eyes, then the super lucky man all reveal sad.

Of course, also cannot too poor, with 300 dollars each month feed four mouth people (like our parents when young, "money cannot be happy" forgive. Even poor people all yearn for money, can really get up will someday.

Imagine that a poor person buy a lottery ticket in million award - first, he was right, from the shed in the ramshackle and bought a new house, then the biggest to others, buy decent furniture and curtain. It is happiness? Unfortunately, no. In the new house, he broke the old house missed. The new neighbors with contempt, and his eyes see old friends saw him nothing except "money". For money, also have no! Because he was afraid to take, but he knows only in the past economic conditions in this life - how is wise, but he didn't realize that. Even if he is willing to, how can you expect a never seen the sea of people to buy a yacht? The first to know what is right.

The most ideal, there is a little money, but not too rich, and dreams and desires, which we can cross the life ShiJinShiSong and rhythmic, sometimes pack a rich (actually, this is not our secret of happiness
我英语很差的所以 只能这样翻译

As the saying goes: "money can't buy happiness", but "money" can buy us happy. Don't worry about the money spent on others in how much profit, also don't blame yourself too indulge their desires. Many times, happy, it won't come to visit us. Money is a good keys.M...

...麻烦用英语翻译一下 不要百度翻译的。谢谢了

The heartaches are never known until people have suffered it. It is tore heart crack lung of pain that can make one feel more suffering than anything else.只有自己经历过才能了解那种心中的痛苦,那是一种撕心裂肺的痛,比任何事物都更能让人感到痛苦。这是我自己的翻译,希望能帮助到...



(帮帮忙翻译一下.谢谢!麻烦了!) 今天是八月二十二日,是开学的第二天...

comb a head of able bingle, special young and beautiful. The teacher is very serious and responsible, especially English pronunciation is very standard. I think the teacher is a very kind man. I like the new English teacher. 翻译 往采纳 ...


If you have any questions,you can check with the Financial Management Department.

...我不是驴、你才你驴 不许骂人】 翻译一下 谢谢了

I am not a donkey,you are!Don't rude!

...No matter what happens 这句英语怎么翻译?



尊敬的先生/小姐 感谢您最近应用的文华东方酒店,北京。请告知,你的简历正在审核中。我们将通知你如果您的申请正在短期上市 采访在未来三个月。您的耐心等待的过程中 高度赞赏。再次,感谢你表示有兴趣与我们联系。此致 人力资源


汉语翻译: 保罗:嘿,罗伊,我的学校项目的主题是“改变了世界的小发明。”“你能帮我想出一个发明吗?” 罗伊:这是我的荣幸!让我想想……嗯…我知道!拉链! 保罗:拉链吗?这真的是一项伟大的发明吗? 罗伊:想想它在我们日常生活中使用的频率。你可以看到拉链在衣服、裤子、鞋子、袋子……几乎无处不在! 保罗:嗯...

...句话用英语怎么说,急啊,翻译一下吧 不要翻译器的,谢谢了_百度...

The following ingredients shloud be prepared before we start.

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