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电焊机 这几个字翻译成英文咋弄?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-11 15:44



热心网友 时间:2024-04-11 18:16

electric welding machine

热心网友 时间:2024-04-11 18:16

Arc welding generator

The safety warn!May give in the processe you good with others result in injury, while weld make a good protection.! The detailed circumstance pleases a reference to match production company trouble prevention request of operation personnel safe protection guidebook.Get an electric shock-...


配电箱 Power Distribution Box 氩气表 Argon Gas Meter 气瓶 Gas Cylinders 氩焊枪头 Argon Welding Torch 焊钳 Electrode Holder 接地 Grounding 1、 机器放置位置通风条件良好,风机未被覆盖和堵塞,防止冷却系统因通风不良失效。There should be good ventilation at the location of ma...


Manual operation of welding (basic function of the use of methods)Have to arc welding (self-locking, or arc Action)Have to arc welding, weld at the end of filling the depression, and applied to the wood plate welding.Operation sequence:The arc will switch to place "at the Arc...


be applicable for all kinds of acidic and alkali welding rods, and suport the downward welding of cellulose welding rods.

电焊机说明书汉译英page5 请人工翻译为主

This activated the switch can send wire. (Wire feed speed, through the next adjustment of welding current regulator, the wire diameter is too small to accommodate Easily broken, so please slow adjustment. )Note: Simple centralized settings, voltage can be set with the current value ...


Crater Current


If input frequency needs to be changed by use area, please switch the circuit controller on plank P. (referring to P23 and P25)Please make sure use this machine together with the appointed wire feeder.自己翻译的,可能有更好的,不过感觉清洗大脑的《官方译文》像机器翻译的。


In order to avoid receiving an electric shock, accident causingpersonal injury and so on burn below, should observe the item:The electrical connection operation, must in the closuredistributing box switch, guarantee under the safe condition to carryon.Please not the wet hand touches.In...


Let the 15-20mm exposed wire, loose again.The small diameter wire (Choi 0 8) easily broken Please slow down wire feed rate.Round wire feeding options, only under the wire diameter, and wire types irrelevant.When the use of flux-cored wire, wire feeding should adjust to the ...


2. 检查氩气流量是否开启,并具有足够的流量。为节约气体,你可以根据不同的焊接电流工况选择不同的流量,但过小的流量可能导致保护气体挺度不够,不能全部覆盖焊点。我们建议您无论电流多小也不要使氩气流量低于3L/min。Check to confirm the argon gas flow is on and with ample flow. You can ...

还你们焊机翻译英文 电焊机的英文怎么写 电焊机英语 电焊机用英语怎么说 焊机英文的意思 电焊 英文 电焊用英文怎么说 二氧焊机英文缩写 电焊枪英文
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