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...2014年上映的由Richard Fortey主演的百度网盘资源吗

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-09 01:09



热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 04:06


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《魔力蘑菇 The Magic of Mushrooms》
导演: Russell Leven、Jacqueline Smith
主演: Richard Fortey
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2014-04-25(英国)
片长: 60分钟
又名: 菌类的魔法、蘑菇的魔力
Professor Richard Fortey delves into the fascinating and normally-hidden kingdom of fungi. From their spectacular birth, through their secretive underground life to their final explosive death, Richard reveals a remarkable world that few of us understand or even realise exists - yet all life on Earth depends on it.
In a specially-built mushroom lab, with the help of mycologist Dr Patrick Hickey and some state-of-the-art technology, Richard brings to life the secret world of mushrooms as never seen before and reveals the spectacular abilities of fungi to break down waste and sustain new plant life, keeping our planet alive.
Beyond the lab, Richard travels across Britain and beyond to show us the biggest, fastest and most deadly organisms on the planet - all of them fungi. He reveals their almost magical powers that have world-changing potential - opening up new frontiers in science, medicine and technology.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 04:11

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1G6f_eKDk_cFA-oOlm_licg

提取码: y55q

《魔力蘑菇 The Magic of Mushrooms》

导演: Russell Leven、Jacqueline Smith

主演: Richard Fortey

类型: 纪录片

制片国家/地区: 英国

语言: 英语

上映日期: 2014-04-25(英国)

片长: 60分钟

又名: 菌类的魔法、蘑菇的魔力

Professor Richard Fortey delves into the fascinating and normally-hidden kingdom of fungi. From their spectacular birth, through their secretive underground life to their final explosive death, Richard reveals a remarkable world that few of us understand or even realise exists - yet all life on Earth depends on it.

In a specially-built mushroom lab, with the help of mycologist ...

热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 04:12




导演: Russell Leven、Jacqueline Smith

主演: Richard Fortey

类型: 纪录片

制片国家/地区: 英国

语言: 英语

上映日期: 2014-04-25(英国)

片长: 60分钟

又名: 菌类的魔法、蘑菇的魔力

Professor Richard Fortey delves into the fascinating and normally-hidden kingdom of fungi. From their spectacular birth, through their secretive underground life to their final explosive death, Richard reveals a remarkable world that few of us understand or even realise exists - yet all life on Earth depends on it.

In a specially-built mushroom lab, with the help of mycologist ...

热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 04:07




导演: Russell Leven、Jacqueline Smith

主演: Richard Fortey

类型: 纪录片

制片国家/地区: 英国

语言: 英语

上映日期: 2014-04-25(英国)

片长: 60分钟

又名: 菌类的魔法、蘑菇的魔力

Professor Richard Fortey delves into the fascinating and normally-hidden kingdom of fungi. From their spectacular birth, through their secretive underground life to their final explosive death, Richard reveals a remarkable world that few of us understand or even realise exists - yet all life on Earth depends on it.

In a specially-built mushroom lab, with the help of mycologist ...

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