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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-26 06:48




1.He has left Shanghai for a long time.→He has been away from Shanghai for a long time.他离开上海已经很久了。2.He has got up for two hours.→He has been up for two hours.他起床已经两个小时了。3.This is the first film I saw this term.→This is the first film I ...


Everything we have in human resources, human resources are the first precious resource. Continuously improve the human resource development and management level, not only is the current economic development, enhance the market competitiveness needs, but also a country, a nation, a region,...


4.It requires great courage to bungee jumping.5.Henry suddenly thought of an excellent idea.希望你能赶的上吧,我的翻译绝对正确.

哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下对话。 不要电脑上的在线翻译,我想要人工的...

B:好啊,那我们一起去厨房看看吧、B: oh, that together we go look on the kitchen floor,A:阿姨,你在做什么菜呢,看起来好好吃哦。A: aunt, what you are doing dishes? Look delicious, oh.C:我也很想知道呢,能告诉我们这是什么菜么。C: I would like to know? Can tell us w...


using a variety of advantageous way of raising money. Reasonable financing way not only causes the enterprise to obtain the full development of the material basis, at the same time from had the huge debt pressure, this article from the enterprise financing overview, the enterprise fina...


Our ultimate goal is to satisfy the clients.The new employee shapes up,which satisfied the manager.No sooner had we arrived home than it started to rain.I will go whether you come with me or stay at home.Try as you wish. You won't make it.He fell asleep when reading.


After a cup of ice coffee, it is time for next arrangement.Now a day, people travel by trains, taxis and cars which make transportation just lke snapping fingers. Personally, I like to take double-decker bus during off-peak hours. The wing slowly breezes through my face and ...


摘要:在新课改背景下,学生是学习的主体,而兴趣是最好的老师,要发展学生学习的主动性,更应该注重其学习兴趣的培养。小学的低年级是培养学生学习兴趣的发展关键时期,所以培养低年级学生的学习兴趣显得尤为重要。根据新课改的要求,笔者拟从七个方面来探求低年级学生学习兴趣培养的方法。Abstract: in ...


1 I am sorry to say that I am not satisfied with today's negotiation.Your friend is rude and unprofessional.2 I signed the contract with you.As the two parties,only we can solve the problem.3 Today's meeting is to promote completion of the work sooner.But you are too ...


through analyzing the subject problem that the system of current transfer payment of our country exists, and the enlightenment that got from the advanced experience in foreign countries, then combine our country's conditions and put forward several adjustment, improve countermeasure and sugge...

...现在说的最多一句话就是不想解释了让我相信他 我问他什么的说不想... 猫妈妈买回的是什么? 公务员考试中要求的“2009年应届毕业生”怎么界定? 165身高女生标准体重 投诉家里养了很臭的鸡鸭怕 No.93 希望皇霍普·真皇的卡片信息 邻居在我家边上养了好多鸡,夏天气味很臭,严重影响我的生活 手上总起小水泡怎么回事 ...问我,你为什么选择我们公司??你有什么优势可以让我们录用你?_百度... 艾滋病患者舌头发白怎么回事 ...现在工厂面临倒闭、迟迟不给做货!一直在拖!我要怎么办?才能处理好... 医生:你好!我最近老是想咳嗽,但又咳不太出来,咳的很费劲,怎么回事啊... 麻风疫苗与乙脑减毒疫苗能合一起在注射吗 普通手机关机后可以带入要害部门部位 她为啥不承认她是我女朋友呢 浪琴石英表好吗? 屋里有很多像灰尘一样的淡黄色虫子,地上有很多,扫地的时候能明显的看出... 工厂停厂了老板迟迟不结算工资而且一天拖一天我该怎么办? 一年内怎么改第二次 改错了未满一年怎么改回来 一年内怎么改第二次 我的实名认证的被盗了,实名认证了但是没有绑定银行卡坏人可以用我... 怎么办啊?开机了就蓝屏,显示正在启动windows,然后就这样了,怎么... 如何检测产品是否完全涂覆了三防漆 骑电动车撞了未满16岁骑电动车的怎么划分责任 微信手机号在24小时内,已绑定两个,已达到限制,不能在绑定其他微信... ...高考只考了357分,不知道能不能上辽东学院的专科 有谁知道世纪末预言和深蓝孩童? 性倒错是什么意思 三国戏英杰传庞统怎么救 17岁女孩在长沙找什么工作比较好 麻风疫苗和乙脑减毒活疫苗同时接种,没有 ...服装工厂帮人加工订单,他们签了合同3个月了迟迟不给钱,我该怎么办... 没到一年时间怎么改? 没到一年怎么申请改? 17岁女孩在长沙找什么工作比较好 求小说女生版的仙侠小说 有哪位高手能帮我翻译下面这段英文、万分感谢!声明:不要用网上那些在线... 您的手机号在最近24小时内绑定过三个,已达到限制,...24小时后... 微信手机号在24小时内,已绑定两个,已达到限制,不能在绑定其他微信... 如何把改成手机号码? 我爷爷是50年3月参军的,现在可不可以办离休 让我上传的照片不允许转载,该怎么设置 事故认定书可以发给不认识的律师看吗 堂姐结婚送什么礼物比较好? 破镜重圆猛吃回头草是什么小说? 微信手机号在24小时内,已绑定两个,已达到限制,不能在绑定其他微信... 穿内增高能跑步吗 用苹果手机怎么做到第二次修改 微信手机号在24小时内,已绑定两个,已达到限制,不能在绑定其他微信...