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雅思写作易错点有哪些 写作要点是什么

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 15:08



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 14:02


1. 双谓语错句

e.g. For those under 26, there were 80% students study for career.

for career应该是定语从句,因此,例句应修正改成:

For those under 26, there were 80% students who studied for career. 或者For
those under 26, there were 80% students studying for career.

又如:Causes for this phenomenon are comprehensive but the major reasons
contribute to this problem can be identified from three perspectives.应改成:

Causes for this phenomenon are comprehensive but the major reasons
contributing/which contribute to this problem can be identified from three

2. 句子不完整

e.g. The most popular kind of transport was by road.

句中主语是the most popular kind of transport,谓语动词(系动词)是was, 而by

The most popular kind of transport was road.

又如:Many factories in order to get more profits, which made waste water and
waste gas.

去除目的状语“in order to get more profits”和非*性定语从句“which made waste water and
waste gas”, 剩下的是many factories, 不能作为一个句子。根据此句想表达的意思,应改为:

Many factories in order to get more profits made waste water and waste

3. 主系表结构使用错误

e.g. We are impossible to make any progress without correcting the

此句的主干结构是:we are impossible“我们是不可能”,表意不对。这种表达在英语中对应的句型是:It is…for…to…,

It is impossible for us to make any progress without correcting the

类似的错误例句还有:People are very convenient to get information on the Internet. His
profession is a teacher.

4. 情态动词后的动词原形和动名词的使用出错

e.g. Another equally vital point to be considered is that building them may
costs much money and energy.


e.g. Another point to be discussed is that more time spending on computers is
harmful to children’s mental health.


Another point to be discussed is that spending more time on computers is
harmful to children’s mental health.

5. 标点符号用错

e.g. As far as I am concerned, people should take exercise and relax
themselves on a weekly basis. Because it offers great opportunities to release
their stress.


6. 词性使用错误

e.g. One possible solution is using the new energy to instead of the
traditional energy.

Instead of是介词,而这里构成to do(不定式),只能用动词。因此,可改为:

One possible solution is using the new energy to replace the traditional

e.g. Nowadays, some students study many subjects in university, which leads
to that they suffer great mental pressure.

Lead to 中to 是介词,后面不能直接加句子,因此可在leads to后加一名词,构成同位语从句:

Nowadays, some students study many subjects in university, which leads to the
fact that they suffer great mental pressure. 或Nowadays, some students study many
subjects in university, which makes them suffer great mental pressure.

7. 从句的误用和滥用

e.g. The reason why I assert it is necessary for government to provide better
ecation and health care for rural areas because it can ensure all citizens to
have access to them.

“why…rural areas”在句中作the reason的定语,固定句式“the reason why…is

e.g. In this essay, I will discuss what those, who are two kinds of people in
this topic, are how to think and how to choose. 实再迂回婉转,不知所云。


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