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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 16:44



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 02:42

Most people want to live in the city. However, there are always pros and cons. Of course, life in the city there are helpful for us to find a good job, and convenient transportation there. In addition, the city has a park, hotels and other places of leisure.However, life in the city there are many drawbacks. First of all, the city life consumption level is high. Secondly, the city population and congestion is nearly out of control . Finally, the city air pollution is serious, so t living conditions is poor.

Living in a big city, despite its notorious challenges like traffic congestion, high costs, and security concerns, is ultimately advantageous. The benefits it offers far outweigh the problems, making it a positive choice to call it home. Key to this assertion is the modern infrastruct...


Most people want to live in the city. However, there are always pros and cons. Of course, life in the city there are helpful for us to find a good job, and convenient transportation there. In addition, the city has a park, hotels and other places of leisure.However, life ...


life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country,and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy. 有些人喜欢生活在城市,


Living in a big city: Advantages and Disadvantages Living in a big city offers a multitude of opportunities and experiences, but it also comes with its share of advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, big cities are usually vibrant and dynamic, providing access to diverse...


城市生活利弊英语作文(一)Do you want to live in the city or the country?I like to live in the country that the sun rises in the morning with the first golden light & the first sound from the cock.. All the animals & plants begin their life from this moment on and some ...

英语作文<the benefit of living in a big city>《生活在大城市的好处...

Secondly,you could feel the modernization of the city.The development of the city will broaden your horizen and let you learn more.This you can only get by living in a city,not at countryside.At last,the children living in a big city can enjoy better education than the ...


urbanization will free a great number of farmers from the fields, thus realizing the dream of agricultural mechanization in our country. Finally, urbanization can improve the standards of living of the migrants who move to the urban area.However,the disadvantages of urbanization are also...


City dwellers are always complaining about traffic jam, high prices, security conditions and something like that. But the advantages people gains in living in a big city are much greater than problems it entails. Actually, it’s indeed a good thing to live in a big city.A big ...




water supply shortage, crime rate rising, etc. The solution may, according to actual condition to implement.翻译 在城市生活的优势有教育好,容易找工作,医疗条件好……但是在城市里交通拥挤,住房紧张,工业污染严重,噪声干扰,供水不足,犯罪率上升等。解决的方法可以根据实际情况来实施。

城市生活的利与弊英语作文 喜欢乡村的理由英语作文 大城市的利弊英语作文带翻译 大城市的优点英语简单作文 谈谈城市生活的英语作文 城市生活英语作文6年级 城市生活的英语作文50词 城市的十大优点英语 用英语介绍城市6句
刀塔传奇攻略 刀塔传奇圣堂刺客属性怎么样[图]介绍_刀塔传奇攻略 刀塔... 刀塔传奇圣堂刺客技能加点解析介绍_刀塔传奇圣堂刺客技能加点解析是什么... 天谕手游圣堂雷罡和地罡哪个好 走哪个流派更吃香 谁说圣堂不能当DPS 雷罡输出圣堂养成教学 如何成为一名合格的雷罡圣堂 输出技巧分享 烟花三月下扬州是哪首古诗 巴中市巴州区大学中专招生委员会办公室单位简介 四川巴中市巴州区的高考报名号前几位是多少? 巴中市高考总分多少 求stand and deliver 城市生活有哪些优缺点 你认为未来在大城市生活的好处在哪里? 做飞机票怎么办理托运怎么取东西 城市生活有哪些特点? 城市生活对人类有哪些好处 大城市好处 生活在三四线城市与生活在大城市的优点和缺点分别是什么? 大城市一般有什么优势? 在大城市生活有什么好处? 城市生活的好处 在一线城市生活有什么好处? 写下城市生活的三个好处 城市生活有哪些优缺点? 海尔冰箱冷冻层门外出现水珠怎么回事? 我修改了一次,我想修改第二次,怎么办? 我的设置错误,怎么样更改我的? 怎么改成手机号? 简单又好记的创建规则有哪些? 简单又好记的创建规则有哪些? 设置规则有哪些? 如果你是生活在城市的同学,请说出在城市生活的利弊 喜光的阳台植物是什么? 有什么比较耐晒,适合种露天阳台的盆栽?求推荐? 哪些植物耐晒,可以长期放在阳台 喜阳的植物有哪些,什么植物喜阳,耐热耐旱喜阳植物 请问:什么植物比较耐晒? 好养的喜阳植物有哪些 这五种绝对好养 pp和abs折叠衣架哪种材质好 茉莉喜欢阳光吗? 塑料衣架制品PP好还是PE好 无痕衣架金属挂钩还是塑料挂钩真的有用吗 塑料衣架的材质是都是那些?譬如:PP,abs,Ps,PP回料等,请具体点,谢谢!!! 喜阳花卉都有哪些? 塑料衣架是什么材质的 有什么植物是耐晒,耐热 什么塑料材料做的衣架最结实 用材料pp做塑料衣架子的有点有哪些??? 塑料衣架的原料与工艺 单口相声有哪些? 生产晒衣架用什么pp材料好