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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 22:22



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 20:40

5《Set Fire To The Rain》中英歌词:
Set Fire To The Rain雨中之火
I let it fall, my heart我的心在坠落
And as it fell, you rose to claim it坠落时 你伸手去接 抚平我心中的伤痛
It was dark and I was over天昏地暗 我万念俱灰
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me直到你亲吻我的双唇 拯救了我
My hands, they were strong,but my knees were far too weak我的双手强劲有力 双膝却软弱无力
To stand in your arms without falling to your feet依偎在你的怀中而不是倒在你的脚下
But there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew但是你会有我未会知晓的一面 全然不知
All the things you'd say,they were never true, never true你说过的话全是假的 花言巧语
And the games you'd play, you would always win, always win你永远是爱情游戏的赢家 一贯如此
But I set fire to the rain我在雨中燃起熊熊烈火
Watched it pour as I touched you face我轻抚着你的脸颊 大雨滂沱
Well, it burned while I cried雨在烧 我在哭泣
Cause I heard it screaming out your name,your name因为我听到内心深处在呼唤你的名字When laying with you I could stay there与你共枕之时 我方可停留
Close my eyes, feel you here forever闭上双眼 你永远在我身边
You and me together, nothing gets better你我相依相伴 此情无与伦比
but there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew但是你会有我未会知晓的一面 全然不知All the things you'd say,they were never true, never true你说过的话都是假的 花言巧语
And the games you play you would always win, always win你永远是爱情游戏的赢家 一贯如此
But I set fire to the rain我在雨中燃起熊熊烈火
Watched it pour as I touched your face我轻抚着你的脸颊 大雨滂沱
Well, it burned while I cried雨在烧 我在哭泣
Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name因为我听到在内心深处在呼喊你的名字
I set fire to the rain我在雨中燃起熊熊烈火
And I threw us into the flames将我们的爱付之一炬
Well I felt , something die雨落时 情已逝 心亦死
Cause I knew the die was the last time the last time因为我知道那是最后的时刻 爱的终点
Sometimes I wake up by the door有时我在门边醒来
that heard you calling must be waiting for you那颗被你俘获的芳心依然为你守候
Even that when we're already over即使你我如今情缘已尽
I can't help myself from looking for you我依然情不自禁 寻觅你的踪影
I set fire to the rain我在雨中燃起熊熊烈火
Watched it pour as I touched your face我轻抚着你的脸颊 大雨滂沱
Well, it burned while I cried雨在烧 我在哭泣
Cause I heard it screaming out your name , your name因为我听到内心在呼唤你的名字
I set fire to the rain我在雨中燃起熊熊大火
And I threw us into the flames将我们的爱付之一炬
Well I felt,something die雨落时 情已逝 心亦死
Cause I knew the die was the last time,the last time因为我知道那是最后的时刻 爱的终点
oh,no噢 不要
Oh, no噢 不要
Let it burn, oh让爱燃烧 噢...
Let it burn熊熊燃烧 噢...
Let it burn, oh..付之一炬 噢...

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 20:40

专辑曲目:   1. Rolling In The Deep   2. Rumor Has It   3. Turning Tables   4. Don't You Remember   5. Set Fire To The Rain   6. He Won't Go   7. Take It All   8. Ill Be Waiting   9. One & Only   10. Lovesong   11. Someone Like You   12. I Found A Boy (Bonus Track)   13. Rolling In The Deep
这是adele贴吧的歌词 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/980171941 有的有翻译,有的没有,没有的你把歌名粘帖,百度一下就会有的..

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 20:41

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