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jolene <城中大盗>片尾曲 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-24 17:10



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 16:39

  片尾曲是Ray LaMontagne的《 Jolene》
  歌词:Cocaine flame in my bloodstreamSold my coat when I hit Spokane 、
  Bought myself a hard pack of cigarettes in the early morning rain、
  Lately my hands they don't feel like mine 、My eyes been stung with st and blind Held you in my arms one time 、Lost you just the same 、Jolene、I ain't about to go straight 、It's too late 、I found myself face down in a ditch 、Booze in my hair 、Blood in my lips 、A picture of you holding a picture of me 、In the pocket of my blue jeans 、Still don't know what love means Still don't know what love means Jolene Been so long since I seen your face Or felt a part of this human race I've been living out of this here suitcase for way too long A man needs something he can hold onto A nine pound hammer or a woman like you Either one of them things will do Jolene I ain't about to go straight It's too late I found myself face down in a ditch Booze in my hair Blood on my lips A picture of you holding a picture of me In the pocket of my blue jeans Still don't know what love means Still don't know what love means Jolene Jolene Jolene

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 16:39

歌手:Ray LaMontagne 歌名:Jolene 歌词:
Cocaine flame in my bloodstreamSold my coat when I hit Spokane
Bought myself a hard pack of cigarettes in the early morning rain
Lately my hands they don't feel like mine
My eyes been stung with st and blind
Held you in my arms one time
Lost you just the same
I ain't about to go straight
It's too late
I found myself face down in a ditch
Booze in my hair Blood in my lips
A picture of you holding a picture of me
In the pocket of my blue jeans
Still don't know what love means
Still don't know what love means
Been so long since I seen your face
Or felt a part of this human race
I've been living out of this here suitcase for way too long
A man needs something he can hold onto
A nine pound hammer or a woman like you
Either one of them things will do
I ain't about to go straight
It's too late
I found myself face down in a ditch
Booze in my hair
Blood on my lips
A picture of you holding a picture of me
In the pocket of my blue jeans
Still don't know what love means
Still don't know what love means
Jolene Jolene Jolene
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