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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-29 21:35



热心网友 时间:2024-01-14 09:32

  Respected teacher,
  Hello, I'm very sorry my math exam in the mid-term examination play seriousarrhythmia, only test the(这里自己填分数)we the class average distance is far, the classseriously to pull back, largely restricted to you named the provincial excellent teachers pace.
  Making making making review error, I am learning attitude lax problem in the previous stage of learning, and sometimes not listen carefully in class, the classnot to go over the text, some knowledge points are not very good, especially on the basis of some questions did not go in-depth analysis and research, leading to a large number of my mid-term exam basic topics fall, causing such devastating consequences!
  Making making making this mistake fully exposed me to mathematics learning laxlaissez faire attitude, not good enough effort is placed in the mathematics studies, but also to a certain extent that I thirst for knowledge, self-motivatedenough. Making making making making now, error has appeared, I also argue that no longer for their own. I will only accept, I hereby make assure solemnly:from now on, I will pay special attention to mathematics learning, trying to correcttheir attitude, behavior mistake, firmly establish the "mathematics, mathematicsto learn" concept, and strive to obtain a higher class average scores of 10 pointsin the final exam.
  Making making making finally, I beg you will excuse me, let me in the second half of the semester to make a good showing.
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