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发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-15 22:53



热心网友 时间:2024-06-10 03:14

Every one needs help sometimes :when a child is lost ;when an old man falls down ;when a blindman need to walk across the street ...They are anxious,helpless.In such situation ,if you give them your helping hand, which may be for you a piece of cake but for them ,it means a lot :they will feel warm from the society and they will help others when they can ,the warm can be passed one by one.And for yourself ,you will also feel warm and happy when you see the others' smile. So helping others means a lot for a person ,for a country ,for a society, let us give the helping hand when the others need help.


热心网友 时间:2024-06-10 03:18

I have a story which is full of love and happiness to share with you.
Few weeks ago,my friend Peter was sent to the hospital because of his illness.Caring about him, we made our minds to see him. But to our pity,he was not pleased for his worrying about his exam in the end of the month,so we turned to help him with his study.Besides,we piayed
CDs for him in order to give him a good mood that was infiuenced by the bad weather.
what‘s more,It was really a pleasant to all of us that we all saw his recovering .After all,helping others is a traditional virtue bring us happiness.
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