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发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-28 11:24



热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 07:20

apartment for the aged

热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 07:20

The aged apartment

热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 07:25

the olds apartment

热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 07:22

Apartments for the elderly pension is a relative concentration of elderly people live to old-age social service-oriented way. From the overseas development practice, there are four apartments for the elderly pension ways: First Independent apartments for the elderly aged, one old-age service apartments for the elderly and the third is old-age care and age-apartment, four large-scale synthesis of old age pension. Independent apartments for the elderly in a community endowment that specifically set aside for a building or several block of flats housing elderly relative concentration, which is characterized by: first, the form of the elderly living with residential, residential facilities were barrier-free design; Second, elderly self-care, community social services, such as the elderly shopping, and housework can be necessary on behalf of the community service. Independent apartments for the elderly pension is actually adding to the social services home care, personal self-care in community assistance, pension forms, and old-age home in community services is similar to and different relative concentration of the elderly live. Serviced apartments for the elderly aged pension is also live together, but generally take the form of quarters. Apartments for the elderly nursing-type basic pension is actually equivalent to old-age hospitals and nursing homes, primarily for the elderly or certain stages of life, life is difficult to achieve self-care services for older persons. Synthesis of old-age pension is a large concentration of elderly people live, but larger, older and elderly services, complete facilities, from foreign practice, the general order of large pension complex at least in the thousands of satisfied than the elderly, and some of the people , And the whole community for the elderly subject. In the synthesis of large pension, old hospitals, old age service centers, older shopping centers, entertainment centers and the elderly are more complete. Sun City, the United States is the most typical old-age complex, our current lack of large-scale synthesis of old age, as at present, only Beijing, Sun City and other small number of large old complex.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 07:26

Senior Apartment
Apartments for the elderly
Older apartments
Older apartment
Apartment for the aged
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